Ch. 17

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* Micheal's POV*

          Sometimes I think Stella's mad at me for all the things I've done. I left her for a woman I didn't even love. And somehow she has learned to forgive me. That's why I love her so much as a person, she has a forgivable heart. Sure it can be broken but she finds a way to be a strong independent woman.
To take care of herself in ways I didn't know she could. And I think she'll add this to the list of things I've done. But this is the present and you gotta deal with it; life goes on and so does everyone else's. I can't begin to think, how I can tell this Maddy girl to leave my life. Never seen her, never talked to her, never seen her in a dream, or anything. But the first time she showed up in my apartment I felt this familiarity to her. Like I've seen her before, BUT I HAVEN'T! When she talked it sounded like she loved the idea of me being squirming. But about what, what was she talking about that I did. She did say she was stuck in time. Like I believe that crap....

           It's been about 3 days since all this has happened. Since Maddy is now Anastasia, she has to play the role of her. I guess I'm Maddy's little play toy now, I have to do whatever she says. It's sounded like I was a mean boyfriend back then, whatever era she came from. In my office she had her hands alllll over me. Co-workers would stare through my glass walls and I would look back, terrified (internally laughs). Even though I resisted her touch, it just made her lust for me even more. We were back at my office, she was good at filing copies but just kept getting distracted.

           "Anastas- I mean Maddy, could you set these on Lisa's desk please?" I asked her quickly correcting  myself. She gave me a mean glare and snatched them from my hand. When she walked away her hips still swayed, and her auburn hair still was glistening in the light. Just as if it was still Anastasia somewhere in there. Miriam had walked in, seeming very bothered and nervous.

"Umm sir..," she said nudging her glasses up she forehead.

"Yes...," I answered back slowly.
"Anastasia has been acting a bit weird don't you think? I mean she's just very-" she stated. She kept looking behind her as if Maddy was standing right behind her.

"Touchy?" I cut in. Miriam nodded in response and put the files down on my desk. Her hands were shaking because she was nervous. I could tell she was probably intimated by Maddy...
This didn't come to surprise me because, I too was scared of her. We could both here her heels making synchronized noises on the tile, she was coming back. Miriam quickly took a post it and write down something and shoved towards me, and hurried out of the room. She passed Maddy and was terrified and fast walked away. Maddy came back in and sat down, there was a moment of silence until she spoke.

"You know Bobby, I didn't strike you as a suit and tie kind of guy...," she said staring at me with her blue diamond eyes. Every time I looked into them my heart skipped a beat.

I cleared my throat feeling very uncomfortable. She got up and stated walking closer to my desk. With every step, there was a lump in my throats getting bigger and bigger.

"I don't, then what did I wear?" I asked.

She rose herself up into my desk facing my way. Crossing her legs and turning her noes up and began to twist her hair. That's what Anastasia did, maybe she was still in there.

"Oh nothing...," she said giggling at the end. She hopped off and trotted back to her seat and stared right back at me. I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion waiting for the answer. Maddy nodded back and said, "Nothing, I mean nothing....sometimes!" she giggled again. I blushed and scooted back into my desk and ignored that conversation. I can tell she like when she made me uncomfortable. I began typing away, sending emails, talking on the phone. All the while, Maddy was being a nuisance drawing on paper, playing in swivel chairs. Talking to people she has no business talking to. And trying to annoy me while I was on the phone, like throwing paper airplanes.

"Maddy stop it please!" I scowled her while holding the phone in my chest. She just laughed in my face and continued playing. I could tell she was a young adult and didn't really have any maturity.

"Yes Mr. Torn, I'll have it done by-," I was talking to my boss when suddenly the line cut off. It was Maddy, she had her finger pressed down on the phone, hanging it off. She lifted her red finger off and smirked at me. I was pissed and had enough of her foolishness.

M= Micehal

M: What the hell was that for!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!

Maddy: It wasn't important anyways... besides I'm bored with a capital B!

M: I don't care! You just can't do that my goodness!

Maddy: Ughhh!! Bobby baby can we go home now?!!! I don't like it here, I need some snow!

M: Some what?!? What are you even-

Maddy: You know snow!!! C'mon Bobby don't play dumb! (she said putting on finger on one side of her nose and sniffing)

She walked over to me and leaned in on me. Maddy raised her right leg onto my leg and sat down. I was getting pretty frustrated but somehow it all went away. She was smiling dead in my face like nothing even happened. I could smell her rose scented perfume, and her long hair (Anastasia's) smelled of honeydew. Her lips leaned in and clashed with mines.

I was resistant to lean away but I didn't, I just didn't. Her soft smooth hands running up my torso and up to my hair. Brushing my hair in between her fingers as the kiss got deeper and deeper. I finally put my hands on her waist almost massaging them towards me. Her other leg finally wrapped onto the chair, she was all. Over. Me. And I kind of like it, but it was the wrong place at the wrong time. I could feel her warm tongue slip into my mouth and that's when I knew her had to stop! I pulled her away and she laughed and gave a final kiss on the cheek.

          "What the hell did you just do?!?" I shouted at her. I turned and could see people staring at us. I got up and shut the door and locked it.

           "Oh Bobby please, you know you liked it!" She said with her hands behind her back. Trying to act innocent but I knew that was her 'game.'

           "Maybe yeah! BUT FOR ONE MY NAME IS NOT BOBBY! For two you just can't do that!!" I said raising my voice then going to a shouting whisper.

          "Do what???" She asked innocently, while she wrapped her hands around my neck, but I quickly pulled them off and slightly pushed her away. Tears welled up in her eyes; but did I do wrong.

          "Just stop alright! OBVIOUSLY it ain't gonna work Bobby! You don't love me anymore, I came back for just... you, UGH!" She said stomping on the floor and sitting back down. Her sobs grew louder and she was now crying with every breath she took.

          "Look? I didn't mean to push you away.... but you just can't do that. I barely know you and you don't even know me. Even though you call me Bobby, but that's besides the point. You have to learn that you simply just don't belong in this world. It's not gonna be the same okay, I don't even know what I did. You came here, and accused me of all this stuff!" I exclaimed to her kneeling down to her. She still had her face covered but could tell she was listening.

            "Could you just kiss me.... please?" she asked with red blood shot eyes. I didn't wanna kiss her but if she would listen, I would do it. I would do all this stuff just so I could keep Stella out of danger.

           My lips already stained from her berry lipstick, I leaned in and gave her the softest kiss. It only lasted 5 seconds but I could taste the hurt in her lips. We both leaned out and she looked at me with her sad, puppy dog eyes.

             "Thank you baby," she whispered in my ear. Leaving her warm hand on my neck. This girl was hurt, and I had to figure out what I did so I can help her. So she can return to whatever dreadful placed she belong to....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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