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*Stella POV*


"Micheal, Micheal wake up! Honey!" I said laughing at him. I was trying to wake him up because it was the first sign of snow in Oregon. To tell you the truth he really didn't care if it was the first, or second! He rolled over on his side mumbling random words. " the...cellrrr.." he mumbled. I giggled at his sleep habits, because he rarely did this.

"Micheal!" I shouted in his ear.
"What! I'm up, UP!" he said shooting up out of his sleep. His hair was wild and looked like he had ran through a forest.

I was standing at the window watching the snow fall. Big blankets wrapped around everyone's houses.
There was heavy breathing on my neck, it smelt of coffee and I immediately knew who it was. "You know you get excited about water coming down on the earth, then immediately getting frozen and turning into, teeny, tiny, specks of white," he said hovering over my shoulder. "Well it's magical! And you mister...," I said playfully.

"You like to get excited over beans being grinded, turned into a dark rich liquid, and being mixed with creamers and sugars." "Yes but coffee benefits your life, snow just creates an obstacle; blocking streets and driveways," he argued.

I turned around to face him and kissed his soft cold lips. I could taste a hint of caramel coffee, my favorite of all the ones he drank. Grabbing my hips the kiss went deeper and deeper.

Pulling away from my hips he said, "I love you Stella Bornum, and your odd fascination with snow!"

Giggling I hugged him, feeling so safe in his arms.

That was 3 years ago, and I haven't felt that way since...

Flashback ends

That was probably my favorite memory of us together. It was warm and fuzzy one, yet very cold at the same time. I was stirring my coffee with my hazelnut creamer and slowly sipping. That slurping sound also reminds me of Micheal. It was about 5:40 pm.

I was just lingering around the house, hoping that this hideous rash on my face would go down. Every 5 minutes I looked in the mirror, like it would just magically disappear. Luckily it didn't itch, so it probably wasn't contagious.

"Ms. Bornum! Are you here?"

Oh no!! It was John, I couldn't let him see me like this. Quickly, I grabbed the scarf and ran to the front door. The scarf was kind of irritating my face, but I just sucked it up, and put on some sunglasses.

I unlocked the door, and to no surprise it was Micheal. He gave me the weirdest look, probably as to why I looked like a 60s housewife wearing sunglasses in the fall.

"Oh,... it's just you Mike," I sighed. He smiled at me knowing I was happy to see him. The scarf fell off and I just said what the heck!

"Eww, Stella! I've seen you when you wake up, on your period, mad, but what have you done to your face," he said wrinkling his nose and laughing.

"Oh Micheal shutup, it's just an allergic reaction," I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"No Stell, I've seen reactions, this is bad. What did you eat?"

"Tomato soup I guess I don't know!?!" shrugging my shoulders. "Anyways what are you doing here early, dinners not till 8:00?"

"On second thought, I don't think we're gonna eat out with your face looking like that...," he said hysterically laughing and pointing.

I welcomed him in and closed and locked the door behind him.

"Wow, house still hasn't-"

"-Changed," we both said. "I know, I know, I know, same old Stella blah blah blah."

(finally 😒)😝😍😍
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