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The two were both now making their own dinner. Micheal was playing with Berkeley and Stella is making mashed potatoes and steak. The was an aroma of different smells filling the kitchen. It was almost 7:00 and they had finally finished.

         "Wow this looks amazing!" Micheal said looking at the food set before them. Stella had put the food all on these nice elegant plates with stainless steel silverware. "Thanks, I remember we used to do this allll the time Mike. It's just like old times," she said taking a bit of mashed potatoes.

        Michael smiled and began to eat his plate. There was cream corn, steak, mashed potatoes, and lots of rolls! He took a bite of the cream corn and said, "Reminds of my grandmothers, and she's dead!"

        "Ok... Micheal, so does that mean you like them?"

        "Oh for sure, absolutely does not taste like pain and suffering," he said. After that he had thought to himself why he just said the oddest thing. It was like someone else was controlling him.


        Now, they were both washing dishes and drying them. Every dish they put in the cupboard the quicker they finished. The elegant plates were all dry and nicely stacked up and put away.

        Micheal walked over to Stella's record player and was flipping through vinyls. "No, no, no, ah!Julie Londons glorious album! This reminds me of you so much Stell," he told her. He was holding up the record pointing and smiling. "Oh yeah I haven't listened to her in forever, it's such a good one," she said looking back from the kitchen. Her smile spreaded across her face and made those cute dimples. He walked towards her holding out his hand. She took it and he spun her around and pulled her close. They stared into each other's eyes and locked. It was like they were the only two in the room. Except for Berkeley snoozing away by the heater...

        "Aw... this one was my favorite song. If.....hmm.. hmmmm, youuuu...," she said humming and singing the song. The song is called If You Want This Love, this was the 8th track on her album With Body & Soul. They waltzed all through out the living room; Stella giggling at the way Micheal danced. He wasn't the best, but he wasn't bad. They were having the most fun ever. Micheal watched how the tune of the song filled Stella's ears. Her dimples made an appearance back again, and just loved that smile of hers. He wanted to kiss her but didn't have the courage, although she was a shy person, she knew how to say no. Besides, Stella needed this little getaway from her same old job, and her same old routine. Maybe a little change was needed from him, she thought looking at his brown eyes. Like looking into his soul, and she knew what he wanted...

The two hummed in unison, and danced the night away. But, the record began to skip, leaving a skipping noise filling to the room. The two stopped and looked at the record. "Well that was mighty peculiar...," Micheal said looking at the slipping record.

"I think peculiar is an understatement... look," she said pointing. The record was smoking, and the smoke was red. The mood of the room changed from relaxing to an eerie presence. The smoke surrounded them and gulped them up. They started to back away into different corners. "Micheal...!!Micheal," she shouted not being able to see. "Stella, where did you go," he called back. Soon enough they started to fade away from each other.

Micheal was next to the brown China cabinets trying to find his way through the smoke. He kept knocking things down with every step he took. He saw a black figure, his eyes grew wide as they filled with fear. It was a she; her silhouette emerged from the smoke and it was woman.

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