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*Maddie's POV*

         My plan was to take Bobby back with me, but I knew he wouldn't let me. He was a stubborn boy, who had a broken heart. Sometimes he wouldn't let me in, but somehow I did get in. His heart was black with grief and anger. He looked the same to me, in my eyes he was the same handsome, funny, sexy Bobby....

          These women were gonna take him away from me, I couldn't let that happen. Since he took my life, so to speak I can't live without this man. My only safety, happiness, and he was just soooo caring. But his fears got the best of him unfortunately. I remember like it was yesterday.

          When I came home he was so angry with me, and I had no idea what I had done.


          "Maddie get over here!" Bobby raised his voice in my direction. I had just came home from my mothers house. I walked slowly towards, knowing he was still angry from the fight we had last night. He was sitting at the table clenching his fists together. Bobby always did that when he was frustrated, so he couldn't express it any other way.

          I laid my hand on his shoulder as I sat next him in one of our brown straw chairs.

          "What's the matter Bobby?" I asked.

          "Don't you lie to me, know listen. I put that safely up in the bedroom and someone touched it. It..., it, it was wrapped in my blue shirt, tucked in my drawer. When I looked in there it was gone. Now I know you like to pull stupid shit, and pranks on me," he told turning and looking into my eyes.
           "But this isn't a GAME! I...I need to return it to a friend so where is it," he ended with raising his voice, I jumped at the sound of it.

          "Oh Bobby, I don't have the stupid thing, I didn't even know you had it," I said just brushing him off and getting up.

          "What did I just tell you!" Bobby shouted grabbing my hand and pulling me back.
           "This isn't a game, I know where I put and you're the only person I told to you about it. So where the hell is it?"

           "I told you I have no idea now let go!" I said trying to pry his red hot fingers off. But his grip just got tighter and tighter. I wasn't really scared of Bobby, but now I was beginning to grow fearful of what he might do.

          "Listen here you little twit, where is it, because if I don't have it by sunrise we'll all be dead! Do you honestly want that? Huh!!? Cuz I sure in the hell don't!"

         "And you mister, listen here, I don't have the goddam thing. Why the hell are you so scared of Lee anyways, he's just bluffing. I went to school with him, he's a softie!" I said growing a little courage.
         "Now let go you're hurting me Bobby!"

         "I knew you were gonna say some dumb shut like that," he shouted letting go of my wrist. He came close to me and told me, "You're the one who spreaded their legs, just so you could get a sniff!"

          My eyes grew with tears and I slapped him, and left a red handprint just like he did to my wrists. I started to cry and cover my face in shame, but that wasn't the real reason.

         "If you really knew what happened you dummy, I didn't spread my legs 'willingly,'" I said using quotes with my hands. "He forced me okay! Nobody wants to have sex with that sloppy stoner anyways."

         Bobby turned to me still holding his face, I felt bad, but I felt like I had to do it. That I wasn't going to take his bullshit, like Mickey did.

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