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*Anastasia's POV*

I had been a long way from home, but I was fine with it. I had always wanted to travel outside of Texas and into the 'great beyond.' Before I left I had said goodbye to my one friend back home, Jeremy. Yes he's a guy, but we were just friends, he was happily married anyways.

When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I always said photographer. Something about capturing a moment in time just fascinated me. But my father just told me I dreamed way to big, and to always get a practical job. That will of course pay the bills, and for children; I wanted kids but it wasn't on my mind. My dad is a mechanic, I guess you could call that a practical job or whatever...

Jeremy always supported me in what I did, he was a very good friend from high school. My sister was also y best friend, but she passed away from a tumor, when I was 8. Anyways, my mom has recommended me this internship to work in the business field. She always said I was a determined, outspoken little girl. And that was a very true characteristic of mine.

I walked into the coffee room to make Mr. Daimler a cup of coffee. I liked him, he was a very nice man. Some of the men from my previous jobs were either slobs, or just couldn't get a clue. But it was nice to get away from the same old people in Texas and come here.

Mr. Daimler was also funny, and those teeth were picture perfect. He looked like he has called right out of a magazine; picture perfect.

I grabbed the coffee pot and tilted it over the mug. As I was pouring I could see an odd woman at the front desk. She was wearing a black tight fitted dress, covering it with a long black petticoat. But the odd thing about her was she had this nice blonde hair. She had a very familiar style, it was like seeing a woman out of one of those creepy movies.

Ahh!! The hot coffee had spilled onto my hands because of the mug had overflown. Great! Now there's coffee all over the table and some on my dress, but not too much. The woman had heard me spill the coffee and looked up at me. She gave me a smile and walked away.

"Hey, are you okay ma'am?" this man said rushing into the lounge. I guess he had heard me being clumsy. The coffee had also spilled onto the papers I was suppose to copy.

*stupid, stupid, stupid, already messing up on the first day. Such a clutz*

"Yeah I'm fine, just not paying attention," I said to the man laughing at myself. "No worries, are you new here?"

I looked up at him and saw his nice brown eyes, that were looking all over me. His brown hair slicked back.

"Yeah, as you can tell," I said throwing my hands up in the air. "I'll just clean this up and be on my way, sorry!"

"No, no, no, it's fine I've got it. Just carry on, it's all good. Now go, go..." he said showing me away. He grabbed the coffee pot and I noticed this very big green ring on his pinky finger. It stood out, like a sore thumb.

I hurried along and shouted," Thank you sir!" As I dashed away form the lounge. I came into the lounge and there was the woman, sitting on a chair next to the copy machine. She gazed up at me twisting gum in her mouth, with her fingers. The blonde had this nice bright red lip; that went with her nice blue eyes.

For some reason I kept getting distracted this whole day. There was a very weird feeling in my stomach as she stared at me. I smiled and used the copier machine. All though the papers were ruined I still copied them.

She watched me this whole time, while I copied them. When I was done she stood up and gave me the strangest look. She raised her hand and set a piece of paper on the machine. Then she walked out swaying her hips.

I picked up the note, and it said:

Your hair miss, is truly divine! Soon you will be troubled, but don't check the time.

I stared at the note, kind of in shock at what weird encounter that was...

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