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Micheal was holding Stella's pale face as she looked at Maddie. But when he turned to see she was staring at Anastasia, admiring herself and twirling. He said in his head, "Oh no!"

"Bobby, this woman has no figure, ugh oh well," Maddie said shrugging, but really she was Anastasia. Micheal watched her in her body, and she was staring back at him, with the most devilish grin.

"I should've stole yours, the only thing going for you, is your hair though," she exclaimed pointing to Stella rolling her eyes.

"Micheal? What does she want from us?" she asked.

"I don't know if I can answer that question... she keeps calling me Bobby- and-and... just so confusing."

"Hey! Lovebirds....hello?!?" Maddie said snapping her fingers at them. She swung her now auburn hair over her shoulder.

"Where is Anastasia, what have you done with her?" he asked.

"Oh she's fine, really! She's still in here somewhere...," Maddie said looking down at herself.

"See Bobby, if you would just listen things wouldn't be so hard, now would they? Now brunette girl you need to leave, because this is our house now! Shoo, shoo," Maddie said waving her hands in the air.

Stella looked at Bobby, and she can see the welt in his face, that turned from fear to anger.

"What, why does she keep calling you Bobby? Is there something you need to tell me? If you do, tell me now Mike?!" Stella said questioning him. He felt almost attacked by Stella, but knew she was just scared.

"It's okay Stella, it'll all be over soon, I just have-" he started to explain, but interrupted by Maddie.

"Excuse me, I thought I was in charge? We don't have all day, just leave," Maddie told them getting impatient.

"Stella you can stay at my place, and I mean it, actually stay there. I don't want you in danger, and you can use my car," he said stroking her face. Her face was cold and there was tears building up. He could tell that she was lost and frustrated.

He got up, and gave her his house and car keys. She took them in her hands and went to her bedroom, to pack some clothes. Micheal watched as she walked down the hallway, wishing she could just be safe forever.

Maddie walked over to him and stood in front of the couch. She stared into his brown eyes while he stared back. There was tension, and it was not good tension. It was that fire breathing, I'm gonna rip your head off for what you did tension!

"I still love you Bobby, you know that right?" she asked cupping his face with her hand. He took it down and flung her hand. Micheal was done with the nonsense and the games. To him he was still looking at his 'personal assistant' from work. He felt he was all to blame for this. But nobody really knew how she got here, or where all the smoke came from.

"See you still got a temper huh... you know you seem to forget a lot of things do you?" she told him both sitting down on the couch.

"Look, you must have me mistaken by the wrong person, cuz I am sure in the hell not this Bobby boy. And for one, you're crazy and manipulative person, I can tell by the look in your eyes and-" he started.

"Oh BOBBY! Please save it!!! You're always trying to pull the 'tough guy and I care' act. I've played too many of your silly games. And you're just as much of a hypocrite as me. I would die for you okay BOBBY! Got it buddy?" she said throwing her hands up in the air. To Micheal this was making kind of sense, but there still was a lot of pieces missing.

"In fact I did die for just don't know it yet. Once you do, you'll be sorry,"she said as tears rolled down her face.

"Just tell me you love me Bobby, that's all I need. All I did was try to make you happy...," she said beginning to sob next to him.

"And it was all because you stole from people,"she exclaimed pointing her finger in his chest.

"If you would've lost that STUPID THING we wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't be in the mess you big dummy, but I love you Bobby. Sweetie, listen, this isn't going to be easy but I need you to listen for a moment..." she explained leaning in towards him. This woman was going on a rant that I couldn't understand.

"Stop right there you weird bitch! Back away from him," Stella demanded. She had a pistol in her hand, and it was pointed directly at Maddie's head.

Maddie turned towards Stella and laughed in her face.

"Oh you think you're cute huh? How pathetic are you!" she teased towards Stella.

"Listen here, I can get any man I want, don't even have to steal someone's body. I may not have your snobby little receptionist job, or, or, your stupid degree in child psychology. But I do know one thing, Bobby is mine and mine forever," she said walking inches toward the gun, with no fear.

Stella began to shake with fear, and turned to look at Mike, but he was doing the same as well.

"Mine and mine and mine and mine and mine..." Maddie went on and on. Almost turning it into a tune, she swung herself around with her auburn hair. Humming to herself.....dancing.....hysterically laughing to herself as if everything was fine.

"Oh don't give me that stupid look Bobby, you know what's up," she said resting her hands on her hips.

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