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          "What the heck you CRAZY WOMAN!!!" he yelled at the woman. Maddie looked at him in more disgust. This boy was playing games with her and she didn't like it one bit.

          "You know what you did! You ruined everything, I was gonna marry him, and YOU!" She said pointing her finger at him. There was tears streaming down her face like a river.

         "YOU RUINED, you only wanted me, and no one else to have me. Well now you got what you wanted babe...!!!" she said mimicking someone, wiping her tears but still sobbing through her black sleeves.

With every word that came out of her red lips, Micheal felt responsible for. His heart kind of ached for her, in a pitiful way. Not a 'come here I'll make it feel better.' He could feel the heat from her anger crossing the room towards, chills ran down him, fearing for him and Stella's life.

"I tried to reveal myself to you, but you wanted to play dumb! And I saw that dumb redhead, can't even copy a single paper," Maddie said with disgust in her face. Micheal thought back and realized that Anastasia wasn't crazy, something did happen.

"Look Maddie..., that's your name right?" he started hesitantly. She nodded in response and continued to listen. "You must have mistaken me for someone else, but I'm Micheal and I've never seen you before. I'm sorry for whatever you think I did, but I didn't. Now could you just please-" he explained trying not to make her angry.

"LIARRR!!!🔥YOU LOVE THAT COLD HEARTED BITTCHH! I knew I should've done something when I had the chance. That's what you always did, in case you don't 'remember,'" she said mocking him again. She walked around the coffee table and walked closer to Micheal. Lingering her finger along the chair, then the end table, until she became inches away from him. Stella was still lying on the floor, knocked unconscious.

         "Look, Bobby honey," she said giving him a mischievous smirk. He could tell this lady was trying to seduce him, in a playful way.
         "I don't wanna hurt you're precious little face, because I love that face. But you're gonna have to learn that, I'm not as dumb and as gullible as I was," she explained to him playfully squishing his face, then sitting on the couch. She looked down and saw Stella and nudged at her head with her black heel.

         "I want you back Bobby, don't you understand? I came back for you, but you see the problem is I need someone's body. That's why I've been popping up. This ain't easy okay, I've been stuck in time, but if I go into your time, I'll steal be the same age, get the picture?" she explained to him stepping over Stella's body, and walking around the couch.

          "So you need a female body, so Stella's or Anastasia's...?" he said slowly realizing everything coming full circle.

         "Bingo Bobby!!! See I knew you weren't that dumb sweetie..., see we can do this together. All I need is one favor! Mhhmmmkay...?" she asked.

          Micheal was hesitant to nod yes, but he suddenly nodded in agreement.

         The front door opened and in walked Anastasia,   She was rambling to herself and then looked up with wide eyes. There was still red and black smoke lingering everywhere throughout the whole house.

         "Micheal, is everything okay.....ummmm, ummm," She stuttered looking around at all that happened. Soon enough Maddie snaps her red painted fingers and Anastasia drops to the ground.

         "Nooo!!! Leave her alone, just please leave us all alone Maddie I'm begging you!" He said running over to Anastasia to make sure she was okay. Maddie walked over as well and inspected her body, lifting her arm and hair up, like she was an experiment.

          Micheal was trying to wake her up, but there was no use. She was knocked out cold, after whatever spell Maddie put her under.

         "Aw... Bobby are you gonna cry....," she mimicked towards him. "You never liked her anyways, but she's perfect for me. In terms of taking over her body. Now Bobby look at me, you're gonna sign this paper and I'm gonna take control over her okay...?" She said in a baby voice so he could understand. A contract and a floating pen appeared in her hand before him.

         "No! Im not going to let you. Don't hurt them please. I told you I have no idea what your talking about and I-" he said pleading for their lives.

        "Well, well, well Bobby, are you begging?" she smirked with a sinister smile.
        "Like I said Bobby, Im not gonna hurt your adorable, lovable face! But on the other hand..."

         Maddie lifter her hand in the direction of Stella and her body lifted and began choking her in mid air.

        "Now what were you saying, either sign it, or Little miss holly dies," Maddie said squeezing harder when she said dies.

        "Okay Okay!" he said taking the pen. He signed the contract and Stella dropped to the floor. Maddie got what she wanted now and laughed when he ran to her.

        Stella was choking on her own life, but then Mike came to see if she was okay.

       "Are you okay Stell?" he asked picking her up form the ground, and laying her on the couch.
She rose up and looked around and remembered the girl from the dream. Stella was stumbling on her words and gave Mike a bewildered look.

        " going on.... why is she-" she studdered.

         "Believe me, it's not a dream...," Micheal said looking into her eyes.

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