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Robert glanced at the watch, he was getting worried, it was past the time Jessica was supposed to leave the hospital. His fingers flapped nervously in the steering wheel as his eyes constantly glanced at the entrance. She was nowhere.

It was a matter of seconds until he received a text: Honey, I’m so sorry! Something unexpected happened here. I’ll be out in half an hour, promise. Love you x

“Hmmm” he looked at the text. What had happened? Was she ok?

It only got him more nervous, so he just turned the engine on and started driving around to relax a little.

As he was driving, an idea crossed his mind.

Jessica was stressed, sometimes her tutor could be a huge pain in the ass. And the fact Jess knew she had a crush on her boyfriend pissed her off even more. Obviously, her tutor knew nothing about Robert and Jessica, because if she did, maybe she wouldn’t say some things she did, in front of her.

“Calm down honey” Ash smiled as Jess nervously changed “You know she’s a b*tch, we can both hold her just fine”

“I know. She just annoys the hell out of me. We stood there all this time because she insisted to puncture a poor woman that didn’t have any good venous accesses!” Jess snapped, frustrated “Of course I wasn’t able to puncture her!”

“Honey, you did fine. She wanted to prove you wrong and failed anyway.”

“Right… and the poor woman has her entire body sore”

“Just calm down, she likes to contradict your ways. Which always turns out bad, because you are amazing” Ash smiled “After all… she says the xiphoid is somewhere near the femoral head”

Jess looked at her, before both shared a noisy laugh “She didn’t!”

“Oh, she did. I heard it”

“She’ll get fired if she keeps this attitude” Jess picked her bag

“Who cares, hon?” Ash laughed

“Right. See you tomorrow honey!”

Jessica quickly left the hospital doors and walked to the car, where her boyfriend awaited her, concerned

“I’m sorry Robbie!” she entered the car, leaning to kiss him

“Is something wrong?!” Robert glanced at her

“No, I promise. I’m just stressed” She said “I’ll tell you in the way”

He glanced at her, still worried, but turned the engine on “Ok…”

Before she started to speak, she swore she heard a noise coming from the back of the car, at the same time Robert started coughing

“What is that?!”

“Uhh” Robert said, coughing “What?”

“I heard a noise?”

“Oh… did you? Hmm, I’m sure it’s nothing baby”

Jess glanced at him, suspicious

“Really baby, just tell me what happened”

She took a deep breath and started telling him the story. She wasn’t dreaming, every once in a while she heard some noise, but Robert kept saying it was nothing and didn’t hear anything.

Robert noticed her stress, so he thought what he got her was just the perfect thing. Both had actually talked about it, a long time before, but never really did nothing about it. Well, he did now. And she was getting suspicious.

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now