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Robert felt his heart beating at a pace that started to worry him, pain all over his chest.

‘Gosh, please not again’ he thought to himself

“TALK!” The president yelled.

*With Matthews*

Robert’s agent had just stopped the car next to the player’s, in front of the President’s house.

“Sometimes you are really stupid, kid” he took a deep breath before wandering around, trying to notice something.

And he did, obviously.

Or, better said, he heard.

He was not as stupid as the boy, to get inside alone. He would not stand a chance against whoever the President had as bodyguards.

As he liked to think, he used his intelligence. He moved his car and hid it near there and remained also hidden.

“So… police or paparazzi first?” he thought to himself, holding his phone.

Everything and everyone arrived faster than he expected, and it was only a question of time until people started to show up as well. The house was surrounded. No one was completely sure about what was going on inside, but Matthews new very well, and transmitted all the information he knew to the policemen who were trying the best way to break inside the house without causing any harm to anyone.

The agent honestly thought about calling the girl of the player’s dreams, but all the events surrounding him started to stress him, he really hoped nothing serious happened.

Inside the house, still not noticing the growing uproar on the outside, the President wouldn’t stop until he heard what he wanted to.

The player was lying on the ground, hands over his chest, and the bodyguards followed the older man’s orders, using their strength on Robert. The younger man almost didn’t feel anything else other than the increasing pain in his chest.

“Sir…” His servant entered in the room, getting shocked with the sight.

“What the hell did I told you?!” The President yelled

“I know I am sorry! But you might want to see the uproar surrounding your house!”

He looked at Robert on the ground, his eyes widened “Who the hell did you bring with you?!”

Robert ignored him, his pain bothering him way too much for him to hear anything else.

Away from there, at the hospital, Jessica was finishing her morning shift for her first day of work in there. And she had nothing mean or wrong to say about it. It was perfect.

Everyone received her nicely and she loved her first day.

She was finishing her notes on the patients when she heard gasps on the other division of the huge nursing room.

“What’s wrong?” She looked back to see everyone glancing at the TV. She could read the big letters of last minute news, but not much more.

She stood up and approached, only to feel her heart dropping.

She gulped.

Why did she always knew these things like that?

It’s Robert they’re talking about.

‘My man’ she thought, her heart filling with panic.

“what the hell is happening?!” she asked, almost in a shout

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now