Whatever you think is better

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*a few minutes before, at the press conference*

“Are you single?” Robert looked at the young female reporter, his jaw dropped. He played cool, though

“How is that relevant for the purpose of this press conference?”

The coach smirked next to him “Do not strafe the boy already…”

Robert took a sigh of relief when the reporter ended up being ignored and the next question was asked.

What would he say? He did not want to answer that kind of questions without talking to Jessica first. He needed to know what her thoughts were. He never even thought about this, much less would guess this kind of questions for him.

I’m just a street player, after all, He thought.

The press conference didn’t last much longer, it was a matter of minutes until Robert was walking out alongside his coach

“Uhh, thanks for saving me back there” Robert spoke

He smiled at him “You’re welcome, this was just the first time, you should be prepared for anything now. Particularly if you turn out to be a good player in the team”

Robert glanced at him “R-Right… do you think it was ok?”

He chuckled “You did good, boy.  Don’t worry about it, you will get used to this”

“Yeah… Thank you” Robert gave Mourinho an handshake

“Not a problem, enjoy the day, you’re free until tomorrow”

Robert smiled “Thanks, see you tomorrow then”

Robert walked back to his car, texting Jess in the process:

What time do you leave the hospital, baby? I’ll pick you up x

“Hey Rob” Robert heard his name being called right when he was about to get in his car. He looked back to see Mikel, walking alongside David

“Oh, hey” Robert smiled

“Have lunch plans? Wanna join us?” David said

Robert’s eyes widened, a smile appeared on his face “Uhh, sure, I’ll join you”

He knew Jessica always lunched at the hospital, so he would have the time to have some lunch with the guys before picking her up.

“I know this nice place” Mikel said “I’ll drive” he offered


Robert was really happy they invited him to lunch. At least they seemed to like him and welcomed him well on the team. He wouldn’t mind making new friends, particularly in the team, he would definitely enjoy some company, if he was going to play for Chelsea.

“So…” David smiled, as they sat at the restaurant “Enjoyed the press conference?”

“Uh… yeah. It was ok” Robert said

They guys laughed

“What?” Robert raised her eyebrow

“C’mon man” David smirked “you’re good looking, Chelsea player, it attracts females” Mikel smirked

“And,  if you pull out something like you did at this morning training, during the games, let me tell you, you’ll be huge. Meaning, even more girls after you” David said

Robert’s eyes widened, but he never replied to that.

“I still didn’t know how you did that” Mikel said

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now