One more tear

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Robert felt honestly tired by the end of the day. Everyone wanted to visit him now he was home, which was fine, but got him exhausted. Besides, his mind was not there anyway, he wouldn’t think about anything else than Jessica Carter. Of course those two years wouldn’t change his feelings for her, neither a lifetime would.

He knew he was still with Nicole, but… she had to understand, right? If she really cared about him, she would understand…

He decided it was not the time to do or say anything though… He wasn’t sure about Jess’s feelings. She was weird, she was the same, yet kind of different towards him. That hurt him, somewhat, even though he was not in the position to feel that way, since both were not anything to each other… yet.

“I am going to leave you so you can rest, boy” Mourinho smiled at him “sorry for coming this late, but I had to see you”

Robert smiled “Coach…”


“Where’s the President?”

Mourinho looked at him “Why?”

“I… would like to talk to him?” Robert raised his eyebrow

“You know that is not a good idea”

“I don’t care, honestly. He did this to me, I may never play again”

“He’s at home, under vigilance, waiting for his audience”

“Where does he live?”

“Robert, don’t be a fool, you’re not going anywhere” Nicole said, next to him

“Oh, I am going there. I want to know why.”

“Boy… he just wanted the team to…”

“Oh, please! We were going to win anyway! Our team never needed doping to win!” Robert snapped

“Calm down, baby” Nicole touched his arm.

Robert took a deep breath and stood up, and away from Nicole.

“Robert” Mourinho stood up “Just rest for a few more days, ok?” He touched his shoulder “Think positive, you fought hard all this time, you won all this time, why shouldn’t you win again?”

“I’ve fallen many times as well”

“You got up after all of them, as far as I know” He smiled “Seriously, calm down, rest for a few days…”

Robert frowned, but nodded. No one would make him change his mind.

*a few days later*

Jessica felt like her body was a dead weight that carried her everywhere, in these last days. She didn’t feel like doing anything, all she did was think about him, and depress about her choices. She still thought, in her consciousness, that she was making the right decision. It wasn’t for her own good, that was for sure. Her heart was aching for him already. And knowing she was the one leaving him because of a stupid misunderstanding killed her even more.

Jude was with her every day. He seemed really worried about her and was always trying to cheer her up. He was being such a good guy for her. But she didn’t understand yet that, even if she didn’t want to break his heart, her own unhappiness would be confined to his own, in a matter of time.

She was wandering around her service, trying her best to be professional and talking to the lady while taking care of her surgery wound, when she was called by the head nurse.

“Jessica?” He called at the door

She nodded, understanding he wanted to talk to her “Just a moment, sir. I’m finishing this”

He went to the hall as she finished her procedure, thinking about what might be his reason for wanting to talk to her.

She finally left the nursery and met him at the hall “Come with me to my office”

“Sure, but… is something wrong?”

He waited until both were in his office to tell her to sit “Uhh… Jessica…” He also sat and looked at her “You are, without a doubt, one of the best nurses we have here, and the youngest” He half smiled

She looked at him, suspiciously “Thank you… but?”

 “But… well, there have been this issues around…”

She raised his eyebrows as he continued “I have got to… well…” he stammered

“Sir? What are you trying to say?” She said, getting irritated

“Oh…” he took a deep breath “I can’t have you here anymore”

Her eyes widened “W-What do you mean?”

“I am sorry Jessica… You are fired…”

“Y-You can’t just fire me!” She stood up “I am a worker of the civil service, it is not up to you to fire me!”

“You can go protest, Jessica. It is done already” He looked sadly at her “You might receive a letter soon”

She could not believe her ears.

She could not lose her job!

She loved her job!

Her job has become her life in these past two years. The one thing to keep her going.

She stormed out the door, tears flooding down her eyes, ignoring her colleagues calling for her.

What was she going to do now?!

She quickly got changed, threw her uniform at the ground and left it there. She left the hospital still crying and decided to call Jude to pick her up. 

But she didn’t even concentrate on the number, and her mind had been tricking her all this time so, why not now?


Her eyes widened. That was not Jude’s voice.

She looked at her phone again. Robert was on the screen.



“I thought… well, I’m quite surprised you called, Jessica”

She took a deep breath, between her tears “Robert, I’m sorry I…”

He interrupted her “You’re crying”

It was not a question.

Jessica stood silent, wiping her tears away

“Where are you?”

“I’m sorry Robert I was…”

He interrupted her again “Where are you? I’m going to pick you up. What happened?!” He sounded worried

She closed her eyes “I’m… at the hospital entrance…”

“I’ll be there in 10minutes”

“Robert, seriously…”

“No, I’m going there” he said “See you soon, Jess”

She stood there looking at the phone. She didn’t even know what to think with so many things happening at the same time.


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