Making up for the time lost

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Jess felt Robert’s arms surrounding her petite body “Jess, this is going to get solved…”

She looked down, and took a deep breath “That was a bitchy move. Making herself look like a victim. Now I’m the bitch…”

“Baby” Robert held her face “I don’t give a f*ck about what everyone says or thinks. I have you with me again, I love you!” He whispered “And I’m not losing you again because of these stupid tabloids”

She softly smiled at him “You’re not going anywhere away from me”

He smiled “Good” he kissed her “I’ll deal with this. And you know what, we really should go out and show ourselves together. I don’t give a sh*t, I can even give an interview and tell the bloody world how much I love Jessica Carter”

Jess smiled “That would be nice to hear” She kissed him “But not now. You need to talk to her first.”

He took a deep breath “She just pissed me off. I’m the reason of her bloody fame”

“Calm down. As you said, you don’t give a sh*t. So, let her be as well”

He looked down “Yeah” he kissed her forehead “What about some breakfast? I could use some”

Jessica smiled “That sounds great. But get some clothes on first, or I might not control myself”

He smirked and pulled her into a passionate kiss “I missed this so much” he mumbled “I love you”

She held him tight against her “And I love you, Robbie”

Both decided to leave the problem named ‘Nicole’ for later. After all, nothing was more important than make up for all the time away from each other, and there was nothing else they wanted to do other than be together.

So they took breakfast on his house and spent some time there, Robert made sure to let her know every corner of ‘her’ new house, but afterwards they decided to go to Jessica’s, since she had to feed Queenie.

Once they arrived there, Robert’s eyes widened when he saw her.

“Queenie?!” He knelt as she excitedly approached him “My gosh, Princess” he petted her, happily “You’re so grown up!”

She barked and basically jumped on him “Do you remember me, Queenie?!” He smiled

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat, it was as if Queenie had never forgotten him, as if he was there everyday for her to remember. She was so excited to see him, even more than she was when she saw her, sometimes.

“Wow, she’s crazy to see you” Jessica smiled

He glanced at her, wearing that perfect smile of his. He was about to say something when his phone rang

“Just a min, baby” He picked up the call “Hello?”

“Robert? This is Mathew” It was his agent

“Oh, hello Mathew”

“I did what you told me too. I had a few contacts inside the hospital. Apparently Miss Carter collected some blood samples without permission, that was the main reason I was able to get.”

Robert frowned “Blood samples?”

“Yes.” He answered “I’ll keep in touch about that, if you want, though”

Robert looked at a curious Jessica “I’ll tell you something if I do. Any news on Nicole?”

“She’s still wagering her victim card. I’d say she’s mad and wants pay back, somewhat”

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now