A call in the morning

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“Jessica?!” Jude insisted as she sat on the couch again.

She was enjoying Robert’s company too much.

“Jess?! What was he doing here?!” Jude raised his voice

“He was making me company”


Jess raised her eyebrow “I’m really not in the mood to argue or to even deal with you doubting me, Jude.” She coldly said

“I bet you were in the mood just five minutes ago…” he whispered

“Oh, just leave already, Jude.”

He sighed, walking to sit next to her “Don’t you see Jess? I’m frightened! You won’t talk to me in these last few days, you won’t tell me what’s wrong! I’m scared you will leave me! Then I come here and see… him? It’s not just any guy, it’s Robert!”

Jess took a deep breath, not replying.

“Jess… please say something, damn it!”

“What do you want me to say, Jude?” Jessica stood up “I never gave you any reason to doubt me”

He looked at her “I know. I’m sorry about that” He looked down “But you also told me you were over him.”

Jess looked down. This was not working, she couldn’t handle it anymore. She couldn’t even omit her feelings anymore. So what was the point of continuing all this game?

She was sick of it.

“I thought I was” She said truthfully.

He looked at her with saddened eyes. Both stood in silence for a long time, until Jude spoke again “I should have known…I tried to convince myself you would look at me the same way you look at him. I guess I’m just fooling myself here.”

Jess’s eyes filled with tears “I never meant to hurt you, Jude”

He looked down, tears in his eyes “I always loved you, you know… But I’m not Robert…”

Jessica looked down “I’m sorry…”

“Nah… it’s ok… I mean… well” he wiped his tears away “I just want you to be happy… I’m sorry I’m not capable of doing that”

“Oh… Jude” Jess pulled him into a hug “I’m so sorry… I’m so stupid… I never wanted to…”

“Put yourself first, always, Jess. Stop thinking about me… I prefer this than be living in a lie…” he whispered

“You don’t deserve it”

“I never deserved you. But to be honest Robert doesn’t either”

Jessica frowned “Don’t…”

“Ok, ok… I’m not going to argue about Robert with you. I just hope he never fails you”

“Jude… he never failed me. Besides, it’s not like we even have something. He’s in a relationship, remember?”

“It’s pretty obvious he’s still into you.” He sighed “I’m… gonna go, then”

“Hey… promise me you’ll be fine? Promise me you’ll call every once in a while and say how you are…” Jess said

Jude softly smiled “You’re amazing” he kissed her forehead “I won’t disappear” he said, before walking out.

Jessica gulped, she felt evil.

Jude really didn’t deserve this.

But both he and Robert were right, it was time for her to be the first priority.

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now