The soldier who fell on the big green field

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Jessica was getting ready for work. She would be doing the evening shift, so she was able to sleep late, on that morning.

Just as she was finishing, the doorbell rang.

She looked herself in the mirror before walking downstairs as Queenie was surprisingly calm in her soft bed. She didn’t seem to like Jude that much

“Helloooo honey!” Jude smiled widely and approached her for a hug and a kiss

“Hey, Jude” Jess smiled “Why are you here? I wasn’t expecting you to come?”

“Well, I was missing you terribly, so, I decided I’m going to take you to the hospital”

Jess smiled “Aw, you’re sweet”

He smiled, giving her one more kiss

“Just give me a minute to grab my stuff and we’ll leave”

“Ok, hon”

Later on, that day, Robert arrived at Wembley stadium late, their teammates were already warming up on the field.

“Finally, where have you been, boy?” Mourinho entered the changing rooms, where Robert quickly got changed

“Uhhhh, traffic?” He excused himself

Mourinho chuckled “Yeah, call if traffic”

Robert smirked “I’m sorry coach, I’m ready now!” He quickly wore his tennis

“Do a quick thing and call your teammates, in fifteen minutes. The president wants to tell you some words”

Robert raised his eyebrow, that never happened. “Okay”

He ran to the field, making the fans who already there go wild as soon as he showed up.

He smiled and joined his teammates, telling them the coach’s words.

However, he decided to stay for five more minutes, after that time, so he would get a better warm up, since he had been late. He even joked around with the fans when they all started to sing for him to jump.

Ah, he loved this.

It made him feel so much better.

It made him forget about everything else.

When he finally went down to the changing rooms, he saw a big uproar there. Everyone talking and with a cup of champagne in their hands. The President, a short man in his 60's, socializing with them

“I can’t believe you started the party without me. And… champagne?!”

The president smiled widely and went to give him a hug “I am counting on you, wonder boy”

“You can do that” he smiled

“Come, you will not miss your cup…”

“You should know better than us all that I don’t drink in service, sir” Robert joked

“Come on!” he handed him a cup “This will even get you in a better mood to play” he joked

Robert smiled at him “We don’t need that to win them over” he said, looking at Mourinho in the corner, who didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

He waited for everyone to leave after the inspiring speech of the President and joined the coach “Everything is ok?”

“Yeah, just… as they say in my country, never launch rockets before the party”

Robert looked at him. He had a point. They were… celebrating and they haven’t even won the game yet.

“I’m confident we’ll win, coach”

“Me too. But I don’t like these things”

Robert looked at him, understandingly.

The players made their usual entrance, the usual procedures were made and soon, the sound of the referee’s whistle was heard for the match’s kick off.

Oh, and Chelsea started with full force. The team looked like a group of lionesses gathering together to hunt their prey. So well organized, so quick, so effective.

Everything was going great.

Robert did not feel any trouble making one of his amazing runs, dribbling around to lose the entire defense and tricking the keeper with a funny jink, scoring his first goal right after.

The crowd went wild.

They had already scored and the opposite team hadn’t even touched the ball yet.

Robert found it odd, though.

He never saw his team playing like that.

Well, he knew his team, he knew it was a great team.

But he also knew its weakness, and he wasn’t seeing any on that day, which he found odd.

They all seemed like super players, running around with an unusual speed.

It was when Robert jumped to the sky to head the ball for the second goal that his chest began to bother him.

He took a deep breath as all the players were around him, celebrating his second goal.

The oxygen seemed to be missing, his breath was not normal, and the pain in his chest surely was not a good sing.

He fought it, though.

He tried to slow down a little as the game restarted.

But he was a forward, for God’s sake, he needed to be there for every attack of his team.

He started to get worried when the pain only seemed to increase and his bradypnea was getting worse. Panic filled him when he tried to run to catch the ball in a great opportunity, but his legs failed him.

His hands went instinctively to his chest, the pain now unbearable. His body abruptly fell to the floor “W-What is w-wrong with me?” he asked himself

It was when his body fell out of nothing that people started to notice something was wrong with him. The players of the opposite defense were closer and immediately ran to him

“Hey, you ok?!” They worriedly ask.

Lots of players surrounded him right after, seeing him trembling, all sweaty and fighting for air, incapable of speaking a word.

“Robert! Rob, man, come on! What’s wrong man?!” David quickly knelt and put his head onto his lap, in concern

“Hmmm ah…” Robert groaned before closing his eyes, falling unconscious on the big green field.




What just happened?!

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