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“Everything will get solved” Elsie approached Robert and Jessica

Jessica smiled softly at Robert before letting him go, suddenly feeling Nicole too close to them. She didn’t want her to feel threatened in any way

“I’ll be around, if you need me” She was about to turn, but he held her arm, looking at her intensely, begging her to stay with his eyes.

“Baby…” Nicole quickly moved to hug him, breaking the contact between them. Jessica looked at him sadly, before turning around and leaving.

Robert closed his eyes, everything was wrong.

Nicole’s arms around him didn’t feel the same, it would never feel the same, because he never really belonged to her. Nor she to him.

He glanced at his mother, sadly, as she went to give him a big kiss on the cheek “It will be alright” she smiled, caressing him

Nicole kept looking at him, she really wanted to ask what was that sudden hug and sweetness about. But he was not fine at the moment, so she remained silent.

Robert got a lot better after the second surgery. Even though he was still recovering, he was already allowed to do anything except getting stressed. Jessica decided to be with him for a longer time, she couldn’t help herself. Besides, Robert said he refused to do anything unless it was with Jess, so the other nurses didn’t have a choice other than call Jess to help him in his recovery.

They didn’t talk that much though, not about them, at least. Jessica didn’t want to, she would change the topic whenever he started conversations about their past. She couldn’t stand it. They had their lives now, they went their separate ways. That cannot be changed, as much as her heart ached for him and his presence.

It was after some days that she started her evening shift and knew the news.

“He’s leaving today” The other nurse said. “The doctor discharged him”

Her heart skipped a beat. He was leaving.

Everything was going to go back to what it was before, again. She would never see him again. She knew that day was going to come, but presence it at the moment was not going to be easy.

He had grown in her heart all over again, she knew it. And she knew she would never do anything to ruin any relationship. But he was leaving. She was actually starting to wish there was some little problem with his blood results that made him stay for a bit longer. She had already gotten used to see him every day. Her heart skipped a beat anytime he smiled at her, only the way he knew how too.

She finished receiving her shift information when she walked around, noticing Nicole in his room, he was already getting dressed.

“Jess, dear” She heard Robert’s father right in front of her, scaring her

“Oh, Mr. Lockhart! Sorry I didn’t even see you”

“I know, you were checking my son out” he chuckled

“I was… not” Jess raised her eyebrow

He smiled at her “I wanted to thank you for taking such good care of him, even after all you went through…”

Jess looked down “It’s my job…”

He touched her hand and smiled at her “It is, with everyone. It was different though, you know that”

She looked down “I am sorry if I ever disappointed you…”

He looked at her warmly “Honey, do not do that to yourself.” He softly took a step back “Just follow your heart…” He turned to leave

Life at Your Feet (Sequel to The Player)Where stories live. Discover now