My Vampire X-Boyfriend chapt. 4

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Chapter four

"Hey Vincent! Question for ya: Can you levitate things? Cause I already know you can read minds." Oh shut up Ali! I wanted to say the words, but they didn't come.

"No. I can not levitate things." Vincent turned his gaze over to me. His blue eyes almost burned through me with the look he was giving me. "And how helpful of Dana to inform you of my...abilities. Thank you for sparing me the trouble of explaining it to an idiot such as Ali."

"Hey buddy! I'm standing right here! And you look like an ass! Yeah I went there. Hey wait a minute. Can you see the future? I bet you can see the future. Am I right? I am sooooo right." Omigod. Ali was acting so stupid! What was wrong with her? And apparently Tom had an answer.

"Are you drunk?"

"Tom shut up! Can't you see we have a vampire present? Mind your manners." Ali wagged a finger at Tom very stupidly.

I turned to Georgia. "I think she is drunk." Georgia nodded. "Normally I wouldn't agree with Tom. But..."

"I am not drunk!"

"Shut up Ali, your drunk." Tom said.

That is when Ali erupted. She got this flame behind her eyes, and lurched forward like a tiger. A tiger very hungry. Ali threw Tom to the ground, and put her hands around his neck. I saw Tom face slowly turn blue.

For about an eighth of a second all me and Georgia did was stare. Until we realized what had happened. That's when the screaming (from me and georgia) and the crying (just Georgia) started.


"STOP STOP! PLEASE ALI!" Georgia yelled. She already had her hands around Ali trying to pull her off Tom.

Once I quickly reliezed that Georgia was getting no where with trying to get Ali off of Tom, I joined her. With one strong pull we got her off of Tom.

"Check his breathing!" I yelled at Georgia who was leaning over Tom.

Georgia sighed with relief. "his breathing is fine. And his face is slowly turning back to normal color." Well that's great. I thought he kind of looked better with the purple face. No joke.

"Omigod! Tom! What the hell did I do?!" Ali, who was still on the ground from where we pushed her, got up and rushed over to Tom.

"Stay away from him." Georgia snarled under her breath. And let me tell you, even though Ali is the strongest, and the toughest, the amount of anger Georgia was holding in was enough to kill her. I was a bit scared.

"Georgia, Georgia I...I just don't know what happened. I didn't want to, I didn't! And I don't know why I was acting so stupid before, something came over me." Ali had the most horrified expression on her face, but it did look sincere. Georgia apparently didn't see it though.

"I don't care what 'came over you'. All I care about is how the little fact of...well...HOW YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!" Before Georgia did something she would...probably...regret, I got between the two of them.

"Stop stop! You two are best friends!"

"I don't care! She almost killed the love of my life!" Georgia screamed in my face. And second of all, 'love of my life'? Okay barf.

"I didn't want to kill him though! I don't know what happened!" Ali was pleading with her now. It was defiantly not working.

"Like it matters if you wanted or didn't want to kill him! It matters that you almost did!"

"Girls, girls, you should not fight. Ali is right, she did not know what she was doing. It was all me. And so was her stupid behaviour before." Vincent spoke for the first time since Ali had attacked Tom. Vincent was in the very corner of the room, slouched against the wall, his hair hanging over his eyes. Again, he was pretty damn hot.

Everyone immediately turned toward Vincent, who smirked under the shadow of his bangs.

"Vincent, you, you did this? Why? How? Why?" I blurted everything out of my mouth in a sea of astoinishment.

"You do realize you said why twice right?"

I got angry. "Vincent, answer the damn question!"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Watch your mouth, Dana darling." He smirked again. God I hated him.

I stared at him. Waiting.

"Fine, fine. A few vampires- I am rarely gifted with it as well, unfourtunate for you, but very fun for me -have a special gift that lets them control the minds, and bodies of humans around them." He seemed very happy about this. Good to know he appreciates his talents.

"Lucky us." Ali muttered.

Vincent swiftly turned his head to look directly at her. I felt another smile coming on. "Yes Ali. Lucky for you. Since you wanted to see what talents I posess, I decided to show you a different way, a way I thought you would have fun with. And looks like I was right."

That was when Georgia absolutely lost her mind. She actually attacked a vampire.

So it was going to be one of those days.

The moment Georgia actually connected her fist with his face, She writhed in pain. She hit the floor in agony. Then there was Vincent standing there, perfectly well. Watching with a laugh coming.

"Georgia!" I turned to Vincent, "What the hell did you do?!"

Vincent laughed. "Well, actually I didn't do anything, vampires have skin as hard as granite stone. Nothing can harm me. Unless of course a vampire hunter or another vampire. But good luck with trying to find one." Vincent laughed one last time, looked at all of us, and with a swift motion he was out of the room.

I looked around at everyone. And sighed. Tom still on the floor, Georgia on the floor, Ali sitting in the corner of the room with her head in her hands. And me, staring blankly at everything I had caused.

I took a deep breath. "I'm not letting you guys help me. I'm doing this on my own." I've never seen three heads look up so fast.

Tom, his face was so happy he looked like a Disney character. "Really? Dana I love you!" He ran up and hugged me. Georgia shoved him aside.

Georgia's face said, worried and no-way-in-hell. She looked at me. "first of all, way to dangerous for one person, second of all, you need us. So no way are you doing this without us."

Ali ran over to me and put her hands on my shoulders and shook me. Harshly. Her face was more like I-am-not-letting-you-do-this-alone-for-just-the-reason-that-I-want-to-face-off-against-a-vampire. "I am not letting you have all the fun without me!"

I went over to her, and looked her straight in the eye. "Ali. You can NOT go. I mean it. It is to dangerous. I would never ever forgive myself if one of you...if...if one of you got hurt or worse."

"HA! Dana, when would I ever allow myself to get hurt from a nose-picking vampire? You know the only thing I'm afraid of is turnips." Ali was standing up straight. Almost like a marine. Wow.

"Ali do you understand-" she cut me off. "Dana, I know you know that I know that you are not stupid."

"Run that by me again?" Tom said. Being the annoying person he was.

"Shut up Tom. It's girl-talk. Now be quiet, Ali is giving her first good speech ever." Well that didn't take long for Georgia to go back to being bossy.

"Thank you. Dana, you are not stupid, so why are you even bothering to argue with this situation? We both know that I will be getting what I want." That is true. Ali always gets her way.

"Okay. Okay. But we have another problem how the hell are we supposed to find a vampire hunter?"

Tom looked up. "Umm...I might know someone."

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