My Vampire X-Boyfriend chapt. 22

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Chapter twenty two

Dana's P.O.V.

Lauren came running into our room, the look of absolute fear surrounding her face. Georgia frantically looked up from her Us Weekly magazine, Ali managed to tear herself away from her cell phone, and Tom leaped up from his video game.

"What? What happened?" I said frantically.

Lauren's eyes grew wide, and darted across the room over to the hotel phone. She picked it up and dialed a number without even glancing at us. "Hello? 502. Thank you. We'll be down in a minute." She hung up the phone, and wordless started packing her bags.

"Lauren!" Ali screeched. Lauren looked up at her. "What's going on?" Ali asked.

She looked down at her bags. Refusing to even look at us. "We have to leave." She bit her lip, and added, "Now."

I felt my mouth drop open in horror. The way Lauren was speaking, this could only mean one thing.

"Vincent," I gasped. "he's here. Now. Isn't he?" I breathed. I always knew that it would come to the point where we would have to come face to face with him. I just didn't think it would be so soon.

Lauren frowned, and nodded.

Tom immediately started to panic, he forcefully threw all his stuff into his duffle bag, and started pacing around the room, frantically trying to hurry Georgia up.

Ali took everything in stride, calmly putting things away, while I tried to get her to hurry.

"Ali, please." I begged, as I packed.

She shrugged. "I sort of want to come face to face with him. Stake him, myself." She smiled at the idea.

I felt angry, and that stunned me. Because I should be scared out of my mind. But my anger with Ali, was overcoming my fear at the moment. "What do you mean, STAKE HIM?" I shrieked.

She grimaced at me. "Dana, I've been working on one for a few days now." She said. I didn't understand what she meant, until she reached into her bag, and pulled out a sharpened wooden stake.

I gasped, "Ali! What the HELL?"

She shrugged. "I wanted to be prepared. Can you imagine how...much of a high I'd get if I staked a vampire? Maybe I should go into business..."

I felt so much anger bubbling up inside me, and honestly I'm not a violent person, but at that moment, I was so furious with her for even thinking about murdering one of my BEST friends, that I felt my hand whip out, and slap her clear across the face.

My breathing got quicker, as I realized what I had done. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Ali. I'm sorry!" I gasped out, through jagged breaths.

She stared at me, absolutely shocked that I had THAT in me. She touched the red cheek I had hit, and continued staring.

Tom and Georgia were watching now, and were as shocked as Ali. Lauren barely gave it a second thought, just kept on packing.

Ali swallowed hard, "Dana...what...?" She could barely finish a sentence.

I stared at my hands, one of them stung a bit because I put so much force behind my slap. "I-I don't know."

We were all quiet, until Lauren looked up and glared at all of us. "Can you two psychos stop being all shocked. So Dana slapped you, get over it." Her eyes narrowed at my name, and I winced. "Let's get going. We don't have a lot of time."

Georgia paused, sighed, and started packing again. Tom followed along side her, helping.

Ali continued staring at me, until I heard her whisper, "Sorry."

I looked up in surprise, what did she have to be sorry about? "Huh?"

She fiddled with her hands, not focusing on my face. Ali wasn't so good with apologies. "That must have...triggered something in you. About...the thought of me staking Vincent." She looked down and bit her lip.

I picked at my nails, and refused to answer her. Ali wanted an answer, I could tell. It took her a while to stop looking at me, and to go back to packing up. But with all the glares Lauren was sending her way, how could she not?

All this confused me. I hit Ali- one of my best friends- to defend the 'person' who wanted to kill me.

Now, how does that make any sense?

That's just it, it doesn't.

I am supposed to HATE him, but I can't bring myself too. I still really want Vincent as my friend, I love him.

There's no way that I can deny that anymore, but what surprises me, I love Vincent like a friend, like a brother.

I've kissed Vincent, and it has felt right. But it felt...comfortable. It didn't feel like magic, or a bunch of sparks. It never felt like that with Conrad, either.

I never felt that with anyone, and I probably never will. All I hope, is that we don't have to kill Vincent, and he finds someone amazing to be with.

But, with my luck, that's probably NOT how this is going to end.

Lauren's P.O.V.

Those stupid, pathetic, little humans.

That's what I keep repeating in my head, so it assures me that I am not wrong in leading them to their death.

Am I wrong? I doubt it.

All I have to do is get them out of here, lead them to Vincent, he does whatever he wants with Dana, and then...when no one is paying attention...BAM!


That's right, she's the most annoying person I have ever she must die. Also, She needs to die to fulfill my plan.

Whoa. I totally just sounded like Dr. Evil.

So after Dana and Vincent are dead, what else is there left to do in this world?

I have nothing to look forward goals. No dreams. Just the endless life spam...with no one to share it with.

I suppose that's what happens when you dwell to much on the past, to find a companion. I guess I could create a vampire...but what would that do? Just give me someone to love. And I'm not sure I even want that.

The only thing I WANT is Cameron. Or, Alec, I guess I should say.

Whatever. He'll always be my Cameron. The love of my life, (doesn't that sound sappy?) to console me, and be there for me.

I love him...and there's nothing I can do to get him back.


Take him back, all on my own. Whether his girlfriend now, likes it or not.

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