fall down

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I dont give a damn about my reputation, but making everybody squirm or almost pee or shit themselves when im in the room its pretty funny. It just gives me more ammo to fire back at them. Thats what i loved about this place. I know theres rumors bout me. dark rumors to be nore precised.

When i got to the temple. I felt well at home. i feel fear intimidation and excitement.

We walk towards the council hall. I hear there whispers stop once i come in. They started to shuffle back and look at me.

I knew what they're going to say. Ever since i became the top assasin of the world. i didnt let my ego get the best of me. The council saw me as a valuable asset to this organization. Im the only one that i was this close of killing the winter soldier but i didnt since i knew it was Steves best friend. I couldn't do it but as a assassin i couldnt let my emotions be compromised in my assignment. This actually hit me hard. I knew Steve found him.

"Mary Stark. About time you finally came along." Elder John spoke first.

I knew what that meant. Everytime he spoke he was planning an assignment.

"Well, i heard from a little birdie that it was time for me to come back." i smiled.

Elder John was like a father to me. He loved me as a daughter always teaching me the secrets of the body. How to puncture a body limp by the simplest touch.

That is why i was the best at my job. "Well Mary, I believe vacation has ended already. Its about time we have our leader back. Theres alot of things to discuss. Especially Project Hydra X."

My heart pace quickened. Hydra people have killed members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Including my grandfather, but my grandmother survived. In reality my nana had braught this organization together since she retired.

She wanted to eliminate Hydra members one by one. I mean Shield dont know that 80% of our organization keeping an eye whats going on. We just keep it hush hush.

Alexander Pierce was a member of Hydra, but the reason why i said was because he died.

I know it went global about Shield. That is why we dont work together.

I warned Nick Fury about this type of thing going south. He never believed me.

Look what type of mess he made now.

"Mary im so sorry for ever doubting you at least our assassins left just in time before it hit south. Thankfully Katherine erased any sign of us in the Shields data base. "

I only nodded.

"So what do you need me back?" i cut to the chase.

He looked at me surprised. Knowing that i remind him of her.

"Mary what your about to do isnt something your not used to. its something unethical that it can change you. Maria went through this. Look what happened to her and your grandfather. Mary you need to cut close ties with everybody who is close to you including your father, your partners, and even a perhaps a Captain." He raised an eyebrow.

"When do i start?" i asked him.


"So what did he say?" Kat asked me.  While walking down the halls.

"Theres an assignment in Germany, That needs to be taken care of." I answered her.

Walking past the assassins the bowed their head down to me and kept walking. Of course we ignored it more focused on what i had to say.

"Ok sweet. Germany easy.Weve handled it before. When do we departure." Kat asked me. We stopped infront of big long metal doors.

I raised a eyebrow. Thats whenthey looked confused because when i opened the doors the chopper was on.Thats whenKat looked shocked, bit Calebs face furrowed.

Mary Book 2 sequel to B.M.Where stories live. Discover now