What happened

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Calebs Pov

Was this a dream or was this real? My body craved her more than anything just by thinking about her silky soft skin. How my hands roamed around her body. It was amazing and awesome.

How we made love and complete contact. How she dug her nails on my back roughly. How rough we were i was surprised. Wait. This was Marys first time and she chose me. My smile crept up.

I miss her body so i pretended to be still asleep. I let my hands roam towards the bed but all i felt was cold sheets and a cold bed. I quickly got up. I roamed through the room. i put on my boxer briefs.

I guess i can say i know how girls feel when they wake upand the guy isnt there. When i picked up my pants off the floor i hear the door open.

If i have to say bad timing. Tony walked in with a confused look on his face.

He was scanning what was going on here. He seemed like he was putting the puzzle together with me being undressed, the bed looking disheveled, and he saw the one thing i swear i didnt notice but a ripped up condom wrapper.

Oh. Shit. His face looked at me and his eyes lit up and they were pitched black and cold.

"Tell me you didnt do what i thought you did?" He asked me sternly.

I nodded my head. I had to be honest i mean be honest with the man that was only family to her by blood.

"Why? I thought you were serious about her Caleb. When she finds out what you did your dead" Then thats when i was confused. While i was debating what he meant i felt a fist connect my face.

Tony punched me. I looked at him shocked. Wait did he think i cheated on Mary?

"Tony I didnt cheat on Mary ok." I stood up and looked at him. I could tell he didnt believe me.

"Yea right." He was gonna do it again but this time i was quick.

I blocked his hit .

"We had sex ok. Like Mary and i. " I confessed rather quickly. Thats when Tony eyes were wide open.

"You deflowered my daughter? Oh your dead." He squinted his eyes. i guess he was mentally trying to find ways to kill me into pieces.

"Sir i love your daughter alright. I always had my heart for her. I mean you get me right. Your heart belonged to Pepper because she was the only one that knew who Tony Stark really was. Well Mary knows who i really am and she deflects everythibg from flowers chocolates and even love cards.

What im trying to say. I loved your daughter the first time i laid eyes on her. That was when we we're  five. Mary and I trained together and shes my rock. I protect her not because shes my leader but because i love her. I do anything for her to make her happy even by letting her date that guy." i finished. Tony stopped and stared at me. He only gave me a firm nod.

"This is how you really feel?" he asked.

"Yes i just poured half my heart out there for you to see i meant what i said about her. I was the one that pushed her to forgive you. I mean she really loves you Tony your the parent and family she has left. I mean if sonethibg happens to you. She'll break." I had to let him know. I wouldnt forgive myself if i didnt let him know what Mary would do. She will be cold as ice and she will be how she was when she saw her mother die.

She will numb herself out. She wouldnt care who she had to kill. She even killed a family including the kids wshen they witnessed the assissnated their father/husband. It took me months to get her head straight even Maria talked some sense into her.  Now that Tony is the last person to keep her sane im scared that something might happen. Thats why i have private bodyguards that keep an eye on him from a distance.

"Thank you Caleb. I really do approve you as a suitable boyfriend for my daughter. Your the only one that grew up with her and knows her best." he patted my back.

I only shrugged. Now time to look for Mary. I need a explanation.

Marys Pov..

So finding the where abouts and more information from the Hydra next plan. I just got to Poland looking for the hidden base.

I was dressed as a normal tourists. I was walking down the street calculating where the base might be. Thats when i felt a small tug on my pants. i looked down and stood a girl. Her blond shiny hair were tied in pigtails. She started to smile and handed me yellow flower.

"Czesc" (hello) I talked to her in polish.

She giggled. "Te kwiaty s dla Ciebie" (These flowers are for you." She hands them to me. i smiled and took them.

"Dzi kujemy" (Thank you) The flowers were lavender and white roses. They were my favorite but how did she know though unless. "Mog zapyta kto dal ci te kwiaty?" (May i ask who gave you these flowers?)..

She pointed next to the street sign. i look up and see Caleb standing there smirking.

Thats when the little girl left and Caleb walked towards me.

"Thank you for the flowers but dont you see im in the middle of something?" I tried to sound nice but it was hard since hes basically trying to blow my cover up.

"Im here on this assignment as well Mary. Elder Jacob requested for me to be by your side." He carressed my cheek.

"Bullshit i know you had to convince them somehow." i seethed. Now i was pissed. the one thing Caleb and Kat know is to never fuck up my mission and i mean never.

"Mary i need to be gere to make sure you come safe. Plus i need to know why you left me by myself when i woke up." he confessed.

"Well i had a mission. Look we will talk about this later alright." I reassured him.

Mary Book 2 sequel to B.M.Where stories live. Discover now