Chapter 4: Voices in my head

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Chapter 4


My name is Violet. I'm not alive. I have been trapped in this cursed mirror for 200 years. I understand you are looking for a friend. I am looking for a way out. Let's comprimise shall we.

Woah. Okay, not what I was expecting thats for sure! Creepy girl in the miror...knows my name...offers to be my a creepy Mansion in a errie part of New Orleans: The ghost capitol of the universe. Nice.

I turned to look at the miror's message again but it was gone. I almost screamed. In place of the note from Violet stood the image of a teenage girl. Dark haired, extremely pale, kind of scary looking.

No offence to the image or anything, but it was sort of creepy. The girl's face had NO EYES! Well the image's face had eyes but there were pure pitch black. I backed up like crazy.

"Crack the mirror" said the image. The mouth moved and inside her mouth seemed like a black hole.

"Excuse me"? I asked.

"Crack the mirror" it repeated. "Set me free" "SET ME FREEEEE"

It screamed the 'free' and I couldn't take it anymote. I turned and bolted ou the door.

Panting like a dog, I ran down the hall and I could see the attick glow bright gold and than go back to normal. Surely Aunt Joey Piper, Jess, and their dad were aware of the...ghost girl in their attic. Right?

I walked down the stairs trying not to look too disturbed. I pushed the swinging door leading to the dining room. Act natural. Act natural. Act...natural.

"Ronan, are you okay" ? Asked Piper. "You look like you've seen a ghost"!

Well that failed.

"Nothings wrong, I'm fine." I said. "Really".

Aunt Joey handed me a plate of macaroni and cheese. "Eat up" she said. "We're going bowling after dinner".

I sat down next to Jess and ate my dinner.

"Hey Ronan, how old are you" asked Jess, staring up at me with piercingly curious eyes.

"I'm 15" I told her stuffing a spoonful of noodles into my mouth.

"What's you're favorite color"?


"Who is your celebrity crush"?

"Uhhh..." I said.

Piper and Aunt Joey laughed.

"Okay Jess thats enough questions let the poor guy eat his meal" said Aunt Joey smiling.

After dinner I started to put my plate in the sink.

"Okay everyone, who's up for bowling night? Called Mr. Clovis

Suddenly,the window by the table blew open and a cold creepy wind blew through the kitchen.

The leftover sauce on my plate (The orange cheese sauce from the macaroni) swirled around and formed a sentence.

Let's Compromise. I want to make a deal with you. Stay behind.-Violet.

It's not like I wanted to go anyways. I stuck my finger in the cheese sauce and wrote out a single word: OKAY.

I started fake coughing. "I...uh..actually don't feel so well. YOu guys go without me."

Aunt Joey sighed. "Okay Ronan. Here's my cell number call me if anything goes wrong".

jess hugged me again. "feel better soon".

The Clovis family left and as soon as I heard the big fancy garage door close, I ran up to the attic.

I pushed open the door and walked up to the mirror.

"Okay Violet." I said. "What do you want"?

Okay guys I'll have chapter 5 up soon. Bye!

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