Chapter 15: Escape From The Sapphire Temple

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Hey-O Everyone!!! I have officially survied my first week (Or well 2 days) of school! I'm in 8th grade and I loved it. My favorite class is my Advanced Threatre arts class in 6th hour...but enough about me, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!

Violet's POV

I started to panic on the inside.

"Ronan, what do we do"? I wimpered.

Ronan pulled me closer by my hand. "I don't know but we need to stay together and find a new way out of here".

Ronan and I started walking around the temple.

We walked up this set of steps. "Look threes some kind of stone button" I said.

" might be another booby-trap" said Ronan.

I nodded. We slowly approached the stone button.

"What do you think it does"? I asked timidly. I was absolutely terrified. How would we ever get out of here?!

"Only one way to find out"

Ronan and I pressed the stone button.

Nothing happened. "Ronan nothing happened" I exclaimed. "Nothing is happening, something is not right!".

Ronan put a finger over my mouth. "Shh I hear something"!

faint...quiet...and above us. The sound of rumbling.

We looked up. Down a stone chute, right towards me and Ronan came a HUGE boulder.

I screamed. Ronam grabbed my hand and we started running. The stone chute seemed to Head in the direction until we came to a dead end. The end of the chute pointed right at us.

Ronan pushed me out of the way. the boulder sailed right toward Ronan was standing.

"NO" I screamed I stared at the boulder with all of my might. I summoned up all of the power I had in me and glared at the boulder. I felt my head get hot and the boulder imploded. Ronan ducked as little shards of rock flew all over the place.

Ronan ran to me and threw his arms around me. I could hardly stand; blowing up the boulder with pure fear took alot out of me. 

"Oh Violet, saved my life" he exclaimed. I hugged him back but I was shaking all over.

Ronan's POV

I held Violet in my arms. "Your shaking".

She noded. "I was scared it was going ot hit you so I blew it up with the power of fear. It took alot of strangth out of me." I siad.

"thank you" I said holding her tighter.

Violet smiled.

Violet's POV

I smiled. "I was just scared that the rock was giong to hit you and if irt did it would have killed you"!

Ronan smiled softly then smirked a little. "Would you have been sad" I asked her.

I blinked at him. "Well of course I would have been sad"!!!


I blushed. The truth was...I'd developed feelings for Ronan. Not friend feelings but like crush feelings.

"Cause your my partner...and, and you'd you know, die and wouldn't be my partner..." I stuttered.

ronan smiled. I was pretty sure he could see right through me by now. 

"Is that all" he asked. 

I blushed harder and swallowed. "N-no". 

"Well what else is there"?

 "Ronan, I-" 

he cut me off with a kiss. He put his arms on my waits and I put mine around his neck. I kissed back and I could feel my self blushing. 

I pulled away and blushed. "I like you..more than a quest partner" I wimpered. 

Ronan smiled and hugged me. I higged back. Ronan leaned down and wispered in my ear "I feel the same way". 

I looked up and gasped. "Ronan look"! there was light coming from the stairs. 

We ran up and saw a window but there wasn't glass. "the glass must have been knocked out years ago"! I exclaimed. 

We climbed out of the window and Helped ronan out of the window. we were on the roof now. 

We climbed down to the ground and an around to the front of the temple. "Cleo" we yelled looking for her. 

 I saw her and Ronan and I ran pel-mel towards the girl. We got into a group hug cleo and I were crying and Ronan was just smiling. 

We all pulled away from each oher. "Well now we only have 2 mor gems to find' said Cleo. 

I smiled and so did Ronan ,

"Yeah, I guess we do". 

Okay there you g chapter 15 everyone! This was so much fun to write!! I LOvE hearing your comments and reviews. so thank you! Bye everone! 

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