Chapter 5: Violet Midas, Ghost Princess Extraordinaire

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Chapter 5

I pushed open the door and walked up to the mirror.

"Okay Violet." I said. "What do you want"?

I felt a creepy wind blow around. "I want to be free".

"What do you need me for"? I asked. "Can't you just leave me alone, I kinda like bowling". I frowned.

"Yeah well, tough". Said the wind. "I need to get out, and YOU are gonna help me".

"What if refuse"? I asked.

"Then I will haunt you and make every last one of your days living hell" it deadpanned.

I jumped up and ran to the mirror. "so you said you need my help"?

The wind laughed. "I'm glad you find it in the generosity of your heart to help me" she said.

I glared at the mirror. "Yeah yeah yeah let's get you free so I can go back to having a normal life". I pushed the mirror and it fell to the floor and shattered.

Gold smoke went everywhere. When it cleared, there was a pretty girl standing in front of the mirror.

"Oh you're life will be far from normal" she said.

"You..your a human." I said. "And what do you mean my life is far from normal".

"This is only the begining of my freedom" she said.

Oh come on! I thought. Out of all the creepy things to run into in new orleans I get ghosts. Lucky freaking me.

"What do you mean its only the beginning of my freedom" I said frowning again.

"I'm not a complete body...yet" she said smiling. "And you lucky duck get to help me redeem my life". She said.

I stared at her in shock. "What" I exclaimed. "Why me"?!

"Why not you"? She said. "You have no life, this will be the only time you amount to something in life".

I glared at her. "We'll thanks for making me feel special".

"You are special. I wouldn't have chose you if I didn't see some special hidden quality in you". She said putting a ghostly arm on my shoulder.

"Whatever". I said.

"Come on, we have a life to redeem". Violet stared at the attic wall and muttered some ancient sounding curse. Her eyes glowed pure gold and suddenly, a gold glowing portal opened up in the wall

"After you she said".

"You expect me to go in there"?!?! Was this chick crazy? She is using me to redeem her life. She wants me to step into a freaking PORTAL?!

"I know what your thinking", said violet.


"I herd that".

Super creep.

"I heard that too". "Stop procrastinating and get in the portal"!

"Ugh fine"! I groaned and followed Violet into the portal

I'll get chapter 6 up soon. Read-Review-Comment please.

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