Chapter 11: Scroll Station Smack-Down

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Hey evrybody!!! I'm back with the next chapter. Enjoy it everyone.

Cleo's POV


Tessa monet had been helping me look at scrools. Earlier, I had over heard Ronan talking to Violet about it being kind of dubios that Tessamonet was helping us find the amulet peices.

I pulled out a scroll and started reading.

Ohh this is interesting I thuoght. But soon after I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tessamonet.

She looked both ways and beckoned to me. "come with me".

We went into a row behind the shelf of scrolls and she sat down next to me. "So I see you and your friends over there are searching or the amulet. You look to me like the smart one in the group and I am willing to make you an offer".

I looked up at the woman. "Oh"?

"Yes"! "I'm not who you think I am". She said.

She looked me square in the eyes. "I am the queen of the τέρας* kingdom. I am looking for the Amulet myself. I need it ro replenish the kingdom. If you help me I will reward you with riches goodies beyond your wildest dreams." She said looking at me. "What do you say Cleo, will you help me"?

She couldn't be serious. Does this old hag REALLY expect me to betray Violet and Ronan? She must be joking.

I saw Tessamonet looking at me hopefully.

Yep...she was serious. I sighed and shook my head. "Listen lady, I'm not going to abandom my 2 best friends just for some stupid riches. Ha! You'll probably just kill me after I help you. I may be blonde but I'm not stupid. And what does τέρας even mean"?

Tessamonet bared her teth and growled. Suddenly she started to change. From old lady to REALLY tall streachy old lady thing (?) to hideios monster with acrown on her head.

I stared in horror and awe. "Oh right...τέρας means monster. Haha..haha..ohhh crap".

Tessamonet the Monster Queen growled and slashed at me. I screamed.

Violet's POV


When I heard Cleo scream I shot my head up and looked around.

I looked at Ronan with wide eyes.

"Where is she" I asked.

I got up abruptly "CLEO" I screamed desperately.

"Cleo WHERE ARE YOU"????

Ronan we HAVE to help her!!!

"Vi calm down we'll find her don't worry just keep your head on"!

I sighed. yeah.

"Well, it sounds like her screams are coming from one of the back rooms. There are 2. You go in the one on the left I'll go right" I exclaimed.

Ronan stared at me. "Unarmed"???

I smiled and laughed a little " Ronan you are such a baby. I tossed him a sword and we ran into the two rooms.

I ran into the right one and gasped. There was this HUGE tentacle mosnter thing and it had one pf it's butt ugly tentacles wrapped around Cleo...who was screaming.

I used my golden laser energy and blasted the tentacle causing Cleo to fall.

I caught her and put her on the ground.

Cleo smiled and hugge dme. "Oh my gosh".

"C'mon we gotta stop her"! I yelled. "Ronann, in here"!!!

Ronan came running in just as Cleo yeleed to me: "c;mon, if we plast her a tthe sametime with our laser energy, we can maybe blow her up"?

Ronan's POV

I ran in , sword in hand and looked around. there was this huge ugly tentecle monster growling at Violet and Cleo.

But they had taken care of it. I saw them using their laser energy power. (Violet's lasers wee gold from her left hand and black from her right hand, Cleo's lasers were blue like saphires from her right and green like a jade's from her left hand)

The blasted the monster who then blew up to reveal Tessamonet but not in old haag woman form. She was midle aged.

"You wretched kids" screamed. "I'll get you for this" she yelled.

Cleo Violet and me ran. We ran far from the city and into a foresrt on the outskirts of town. By then it was almost night so we decided to make camp for the night. Today had been an exciting day.

*τέρας means Monster in greek. (If you didn't pick that up ;D)

Well, that was that! the next chapter will take place at night and be about Violet and Cleo's backstory. It will most likely be longer like Violet's solo back story. So stay tuned to get the juicy deatils. Bye everyone!!!


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