Chapter 6: Negative Nostalgia

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Chapter 6

"Ugh fine" I groaned and followed Violet into of. the portal.

Inside the portal was a kaleidoscope of gold and black. I closed my eyes trying to make the crazy swirls stop. I heard the chanting again and tried to cover my ears but I was going so fast I couldn't move!

I looked at Violet from the corner of my eye who looked terrified.

Suddenly the swirling stopped. I landed in a patch of creepy mist. I could see creepy old looking buildings all around me. Where the heck were we"?

I looked around and didn't see Violet. I heard a screaming and looked up into the portal and saw violet falling uncontrollably.

As she fell closer and closer to the ground, I faced 2 choices:

1) Let her fall as punishment for dragging me into this ghost life redemption mess...

2) Catch her and see if she's okay. I mean, she looks pretty scared.

Her screams got louder. Ill catch her.

I stood under the portal and violet fell into my arms. She was sobbing.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay" I said, awkwardly petting her back.

"I saw it" she said shakily. "The people".

"Saw what" I asked. "Saw who"?

"The reason I'm an exiled spirit" Violet said quietly. "the people I killed, the people I wronged".

Woah I thought. I'm helping the ghost of a killer... what the heck have I gotten ,myself into?!?!

"I heard that" sniffled Violet. "I was a troubled girl" she said. "It wasn't my fault".

I looked at her skeptically. "So you were tricked into killing all of them or possessed when doing it or something"?

"Yes" she said. "Exactly".

"Umm...I was being sarcastic" I said.

"Well I wasn't". She said as-a-matter-of-factly. "

"My past" she said quietly. "It all started a couple hundred thousand years ago when I was 12" she started. "My mom was queen, my dad was king, I was the princess. We were the royal family of the Kingdom of σεκρετ κυρσες*. My mom had a special power. She could hypnotize.

One day, my mom hypnotised my dad, The King, into giving her an extremely expensive necklace. Once she got the necklace she unhypnotized him and my dad realized what she had done. The necklace was one he had stolen. The king Banished me and my mother." She said.

"So basically you're mom possesed you're dad into stealing a necklace and you're dad banished you're mom and you" I asked.

"Yep" she said. "I didn't even have anything to do with it. Nobody believed me though. It was either go with my mom or be charged with treason."

"Woah. Harsh parents". I said.

"Tell me about it. We became peasants. But she still had her powers. That's how we survived. My mother was so desperate to get what she wanted, she would say the hypnotism curse and they would be completely under her control.

She got people to give us shelter, food, jobs, everything we could ever ask for. This went on for 3 years. Then the new king and queen of our town caught up to my mom's evil ways"

"Dun dun dun" I said. She glared at me. "Sorry...please continue"

"Anyways, The new king and queen had caught up with my mothers evil ways. My mom refused to give the stuff back. The King and Queen said she could be executed for witchcraft. My mom still believed that she should be queen. She was so greedy for power that she hypnotised me".

I looked at Violet. She looked so pained at saying the words. It must be tough having both your mom an dad betray you. Well at least she had parents.

"She hypnotised her only daughter and got her to steal the queens Crown and royal jewelry and dress. Mom said she would run away while I was gone. To a small city and wait for me to bring her the Queen's possessions. She told me to ask for help and refuge over nights. She told me to kill anyone who refused."

I stared at her with such sympathy. "Oh Violet, I'm so so sorry".

"The trip to the palace and the trip to the city where my mother was hiding took about a week. I killed so many innocent people. I was sentenced to death."

" When I was taken to spirit trial, nobody believed what I was innocent. My punishment was being trapped in that mirror. Until somebody broke the mirror, set me free, and helped me with my redemption quest, I'd be trapped in the Midas Mirror forever."

"Wow" I said. ""!

" I killed alot of people It's a burden I'll have to carry forever. Until I redeem my life." She said sadly.

I just looked at her. Not knowing what to say.

"Now you see why my redemption is so important"?

"Yes of course" I said.

Suddenly an eerie being came up behind us. "Violet Midas your highness" we've been expecting you."

* The Greek words σεκρετ κυρσες translates to Secret Curses in greeek. It's also not a real city in Greece


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