Chapter 18

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Hey guys!! I am finally back with chapter 18!!!

So here what is happening right now: Tessamonet stole Violet's backpack - that had the saphire in it and has the ruby hidden away in a room. But Violet Ronan and Cleo found the ruby. Ronan can't wait to get back to his god-family and tessamonet has given Violet a way to send him home whenevershe wants: A chant that will open a portal back to the mirror where Violet and Ronan came from. Violet hides the paper not wanting Ronan to leave her and Tessamonet summons her wolf army and a bettle begins in the kingdom of monsters.

Chapter 18

Violet's POV

I ran to the right side of Tessamonet who was in wolf monster form and I must say was very disturbig. I ran and jumped over the paw that swiped at me. I landed in the room and cleo came in after me she blasted a jade laser at the wolfs behind her. We ran to the ruby in the center of the room. I puled on it, but it wouldn't move.

"Cleo, it's stuck" I said ,pulling harder.

"Here blast the pedestal with a laser or something I' mnot sure how to AAAHHHHH"

I turned just in time to see a wolf tackle Cleo. "NO" I screamed. I manged to doge the wolf that had gone after me and fired a gold pearl laser at it and it howled and disegrated. (AN- For those of you who have rad the Percy jackson books, it's kind of like that, the monster disengrates when it dies). Cleo Bolted up and smiled at me. "Thanks Vi. Now lets get that ruby.

Ronan's POV

I pulled the sword from it's sheath and started buy time for the girls. A few wolves came after me but I started slicing. I turned and saw Tessamonet slinking towards the girls. "Not on my watch" I muttered under my breath. I ran at her but she turned and swipped at me. Her giant paw colllidng with my chest, sending me flying backwards. I heard Violet scream my name and Cleo yell something to her but it was hard to focus with all the little stars dancing around my head.

"Say goodbye" murmured Tessamonet who had breifly changed back into her human form. I backed up as far as Icould until I hit a wall. She grabbed for my sword and snatched it away before I could stop her. She raised it above my head and laughed. Right as she swung the sword down, I saw a flash of gold and black and the sword exploded into a milllion tiny shards. Although, it was my sword, I was still greatful for the fact that I wasn't dead...or worse.

Violet ran around Tessamonet and grabbed my hand pulling me in her direction. "Come on we gotta go".

"Yes Ronan...go home...violet can show you the way." She grinned evily.

Violet tugged harder. "Come ON Ronan".

I pulled away. "Vi, what is she talking about" I asked carefully.

Violet looked paniced. "nothing. She's trying to get in your head. Cleo come on! We need to go NOW!"

Tessamonet smiled. "No no. Show him Violet" she shot a blast of her energy at Violet. A paper floated down our of her pocket. she frantically reached for it frantically but I grabbed it. 

"Violet......what is this"?

" isn't important". She said trying desperatley to pull it out of my hands. 

Cleo walked over to me and snatched the paper out fo my hands. "Dosen't look like nothing" she said. "Give it here let me see it".

Violet's POV 

No no no this can't be happening! "Its a open up a portal.....back to Earth"

Ronan stared at me clearly awaiting an explaination. 

"She could let you go home at literally any time she wanted" Cleo said. 

"Violet how long have you had this" asked Ronan. 

Tessamonet sauntered in clearly loving the show. "Oh shes had it for long enough. She was planning on destroying it so you wouldn't have a way to get home and stay with her forever blah blah blah romantic stuff like that". 

No! She wouldn't dare! She cant do this that isnt fair!!! I thought to myself. 

Tessamonet continued to make me sound like a terrible person. The hurt in Ronan's eyes was killing me. 

I had no words. I just stood and watched as I lost the trust of my two best friends. 

Ronan looked at me and I could see the betrayed look written across his face. "Violet how could you"?

"No Ronan she isn't-" he cut me off. 

"No Violet don't. I can't beleive I trusted you. You KNEW I wanted go back home" he yelled. "You were going to force me to stay here with you?"

I nodded. Holding back tears and a sick feeling that was growing inside me. How could I have been so selfesh? I thought to myself. 

"Well your time is up. This quest is over now. I told you I would help you get the gems back and I did, Now I want t oleave and never come back."

"Ronan please I-"

"DON'T" he yelled at me. "Violet I never should have trusted you from the begining. I never want to see you again". The words hit me like bullets. 

I tried to talk but no sound came out. 

He threw the backpack at me and it slid a ways landing at my feet. Cleo put her hand on Ronan's shoulder. "We should go". 

She opened a portal and then turned to look at me. "I hope youre happy" she said then she and Ronan walked into the portal and disapeared. 

A tear streamed down my face. "I should have now that you giving me the chant was a trick." 

I opened my own portal and decided to go to for a walk in The kingdom before I finally was able to finish my quest. I had to fix things with Ronan and Cleo before they left forever. Before it was too late. 

Okay! that was chapter 18. Hope you all liked it! If yo have any comments feel free to comment and if you have any ideas Pm me at @EmilyAnaya19. Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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