Maddie POV

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Feeling someone shake my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw Alpha Daniel smirking at me.

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty. We are almost there."

"Wow Sleeping Beauty huh?" I shot out snarkily at him as I stretched.

"Well it seemed to fit the situation but you're right, you're more like Chewbacca from those space movies. Minus the whole height thing obviously." He smirked at me.

Ignoring him I looked out the window at the rolling forests before us. It had been a 3 hour drive to get here and I was a little stiff. Rolling my shoulders I took in the trees and the branches. Seeing a rock gateway come into view I looked at it as we drove through. Hearing the road change to gravel under the tires I looked straight ahead at the approaching buildings. The houses were well maintained and spread out away from a large pack house in the center. The pack house was at least 3 stories tall made of some type of brown stone. The two sides jutted out about 30 feet making it appear as an U. The front walkway led up to a white door with a huge glass window set inside it. Taking in a deep breath as we pulled to a stop I rolled my shoulders back and took off my seat belt. Waiting on Alpha Daniel to exit the car, I opened my door and started to walk around the car. Catching sight of the crowd of people I almost stopped but knew I needed to show no fear. Walking to stand next to Alpha Daniel I heard people gasp as he introduced me as his mate. Suddenly the whispers started about how cruel the moon goddess must be for pairing him with a runt. Rolling my shoulders back and keeping my head held high I waited until Alpha Daniel started walking to the house. Following him, he showed me to a room. Opening the door, he gestured me to go inside. Following me in I heard him sigh. Turning to look at him I watched as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Sorry about their reactions."

"They are right. You didn't have a much better one." I told him simply shrugging my shoulders. I watched as he then pulled himself together and stood a little straighter.

"Don't think they will automatically like you because you're my mate. I didn't want a mate and my pack knew this. I had a Luna picked out. There will be tension for a while. Hopefully it'll pass."

"Or I'll be gone soon and you can appoint your precious Luna." I spat out at him. Feeling my rage building up I caught his eye as I lit into him. "I didn't ask for special treatment did I? You clearly don't intend to extend any courtesies, as was obvious when you're pack bad mouthed your mate and you said nothing. Find the damn people who want me so bad and then let me go home. I don't want to be here anymore than you want me." Hissing out the last statement I watched as his eyes went cold and he marched up to me.

"You'd better learn to control your tongue little mate. I don't like people disrespecting me."

"Too bad, you could use a bit more disrespect to ruffle you up." I toed up to his frame and we were soon standing chest to chest, or at least as well as I could manage it. "Fix this problem and then I won't be a problem to you anymore." Walking away I went to explore the room. Hearing him mutter out curses and slam the door, I let out a sigh of relief as I relaxed my posture a bit. Looking around the room, I saw the walls were painted a dark blue, there was a king size bed in the middle of the room. The frame was a light reclaimed wood with a rectangle headboard. The bed spread was a medium grey, with white sheets. There was an emerald green throw at the end of the bed. On the walls there were 3 white picture frames above the bed, each were black and white shots of trees. Looking at the doors, I opened one and saw a walk in closet. Closing it and walking into the other door I saw the bathroom. It was done in a light blue with grey towels. There were seashell and mermaid decorations in here. Smiling to myself I walked back into my room as Hank opened the door and was setting my suitcases on the ground. Running up to him I tried to help as he waved me away. Sighing at him I went and sat on the bed while he brought them in. Standing he looked over at me.

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