Maddie POV

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Waking in a cell, I glanced around groggily. Lifting my hand up to touch the gash on my head. Wincing I felt that it was mostly superficial, even if it did hurt. Looking at the bite on my leg I saw that it was pretty deep. Ripping a couple of pieces off my shirt, I wrapped them tightly around the bite. Biting on my lip to not scream out I wrapped all three pieces, hopefully that would help to ease the blood flow. Rubbing my wrists I could feel the raw spots. Looking at them a little closer I saw they were only raw where the handcuffs had rubbed due to the dragging. After evaluating my surroundings I stood clumsily to try and find a weakness. Walking over to the door I reached out to touch it when I heard a high pitched tittering laugh. Glancing around, I stepped back. Seeing a man come into the light at the front of my cell I felt my blood run cold. He had scars running up and down his face, his hair was unkempt with twigs and leaves sticking out and mats in half of it. His clothes were tattered and he looked like he had rolled in mud. Watching in horror as he unlocked my cell and advanced on me, I stood my ground. Soon he was standing directly in front of me.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we caught ourselves a princess over here." Reaching out he tried to touch my hair but I jerked back. Watching as a scowl crossed his features he quickly shook his head and replaced it with a smile. "Do you know who I am?"

"An insane egomaniac?" I asked him sweetly before I felt his fist connecting with my stomach. Doubling over in pain, I quickly fell to the floor as he kept punching and then kicking me in the stomach and sides. Holding in my screams I balled up until he stopped. Scrambling into a sitting position, I watched as he knelt onto the balls of his feet. Leaning forward I flinched away when he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Once again, do you know who I am?"

"No." I spat out.

"I didn't think so." He said with a smile. Standing he walked outside the cell briefly only to return with a knife. Pushing my fears down, I watched as he twirled it between his fingers. "I used to have a mate. We were happy until one day she wanted more. She left me that day. Went after a "bigger fish" as she called him." He told me using air quotes around the words. Leaning forward I hissed out a breathe when I felt the knife getting dragged across my thigh. Holding my ground though I looked into his eyes.

"What's this got to do with me?" I spat out at him.

"That's the million dollar question isn't it?" He said smiling. Taking the knife, he stuck it into my thigh before dragging it down. Yelling out I tried to push him away before I felt him rock backwards, taking the knife with him. Putting my hands to the cut I tried to apply pressure, whimpering out I could hear his high pitched laugh in front of me. Hearing his footsteps cross towards me I jumped when I heard his voice next to my ear.

"She's going to be Alpha Daniel's Luna." Hewhispered before I felt his fist connect with the back of my head.     

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