Chapter 53

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Six months after Michael's release from the hospital, they were married. With no word from or sight of Eric, they began to relax and settle into their lives. Cheyenne's heart was overjoyed and swollen with love as they slow danced.

Michael smiled. "Are you happy?"

Cheyenne stared into his eyes with her arms wrapped around his neck. She grinned from ear to ear and answered. "Yes. Happier than I've ever been. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Nor I you."

Giving each other a few kisses, they held each other. When the song was over, they reluctantly pulled away to mingle with their guests, but kept glancing over at each other.

"Wow. You guys did an amazing job. This is a beautiful reception and the wedding was amazing."

Cheyenne looked and saw her sister. "Thank you. I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself."

"And I'm glad to see you so happy. By the way, did you actually invite Tyler and his wife?"

"Yep." Cheyenne grinned slyly and elbowed Raina. "He looks miserable. It's too bad."

"Too bad. He had a great life with you. In the end, it's one big circle. You know the old adage, what goes around, comes around."

"Yeah. He got invited so he could see what he missed out on. Though I must admit that it feels good, but at the same time, I actually kind of feel sorry for him. Is that bad after everything he's done to me?"

"No. It makes you human. Although, it does help to have found someone who's more suitable for you... and makes you happy." They turned to find Michael. He was talking with one of the guests. "I'm so glad you and Michael found each other, but don't you think it's ironic you married your divorce attorney?"

Cheyenne laughed. "Let's hope we don't have to get a divorce, because he's good. I'll be screwed." They both laughed. "However, for the time being, I am very happy with this new life."

Before Raina could respond, Tyler came up to her. "Chey, you look so amazing. So beautiful. Wow. I remember our wedding day and you are even more stunning than ever."

"Thanks. I'm surprised you came," Cheyenne said.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

They stood there awkwardly for a few minutes. "How are you and Elizabeth doing?" Cheyenne asked with actual sincerity.

"Good, actually. Really good. The baby is doing well too." He rubbed the back of his neck and Cheyenne noticed him shift uncomfortably and a bead of sweat formed at his temple. "You know, this is the fanciest reception I've ever been to. It's a lot fancier than ours was."

"Yeah. I feel like Cinderella."

"You look even better. I guess second times a charm. Huh?"

Ignoring his comment, she continued. "Michael turned this a girlhood dream into a reality for me. But then again," she looked over at her new husband, "he makes all my dreams come true."

Tyler forced a smile. "I'm glad for you."

"Well, I've got other guests to greet. Enjoy yourself." She began to walk away when he called her name.

She turned to face him. "If things didn't work out with me and Elizabeth and you weren't with Michael, would you have given us a second chance?"

She stared at him as she pondered how to respond. She sighed and shrugged her right shoulder. "Tyler, I won't lie. There was a time that I probably would have. But in all honesty, I'm glad we didn't make it, because I love Michael. I don't believe we were in love. It was just a friendship kind of love. Nothing more. Maybe we were in love in the beginning. At least, we thought we were." She started to walk away, but stopped and turned to look at him. "No regrets. Okay?"

He looked sad, but again forced a smile and repeated, "No regrets."

"Chey, that was so... nice and mature of you. Michael really is good for you." Raina locked arms with her sister.

"He is Rain. He is. Now, I'm going to say hello my other guests." She pulled Raina's arm away.

"I see how it is."

"Yup." She grinned and walked away.

"Cheyenne! Oh my dearest daughter!" Mrs. Warner threw her arms around Cheyenne.

"Mrs. Warner. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"More than ever."


"You and my boy. It took long enough. The two of you are a beautiful couple. The only thing missing is grandchildren."

"Whoa!" Cheyenne pulled back and put her hand up. "We just got married. Let's not rush things. One step at a time, please."

"I'm not rushing you. All I want now is grandchildren. What is it you kids say nowadays, an FYI."

Cheyenne laughed. "Eventually. I simply want to enjoy being with my new husband first."

"The sooner the better, my dear. Now, Mr. Warner is motioning for me to dance with him."

Mrs. Warner walked away, Cheyenne shook her head and smiled. This was the best day of her life. If there was any way to be happier, she didn't know how. Nothing could possibly ruin her day.

Michael slipped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mom started about having grandchildren, didn't she?"

She leaned back into him. "Yeah. Can you blame her? She doesn't have any. All she wants to do is spoil them when she does become a grandma."

"I guess. Anyway, Mrs. O'Neill, how about going back out on the dance floor?"

"Why not, Mr. O'Neill?"


Michael and Cheyenne announced their departure, said goodbye and walked outside toward the limo. Suddenly, there was a loud pop. They jumped. They looked at each other. There were a few people standing outside. No one saw where it had come from.

"What was that?" Michael asked. When he looked down, there was blood all over his shirt. "Oh my God! Where's the blood coming from?"

Cheyenne looked down and saw blood running down her dress. Shocked, she looked back up at Michael, with one hand over her wound and whispered, "Michael..." She slid to the ground as Michael caught her.

"Cheyenne!" he shouted. "Cheyenne! Come on baby. Don't leave me. I love you. Cheyenne." Cradling her in his arms, he shouted, "Someone call nine-one-one. We need help! Now!" As he rocked her back and forth, he kept whispering, "Cheyenne. Cheyenne.

Cheyenne. I love you. Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me. It'll be okay."

Though it was painful, Cheyenne tried to imprint Michael's face to her memory. This is it. He got me. I'm going to die. That was her last thought before she passed out.

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