Chapter 19

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Cheyenne awoke to a loud knock on the door. She remained on the couch wishing whoever it was would go away. Another loud knock followed. She tossed the blanket to the side and reluctantly answered the door. Much to her surprise, Daniel stood there.

She folded her arms in front of her. "Daniel. I wondered if you were ever coming back."

"I got back a couple hours ago."

She looked at the clock on the wall. "You do realize that it's three twenty-five in the morning, right?"

"Sorry. It's just that I missed Fin and wanted to see him."

"Sure." She motioned for him to come in. "Let me get Finnegan's things."

He stepped inside the room and closed the door. "Okay. I'll wait here."

She brought Finnegan's food, litter, litter box, and carrier out and set them on the floor by the door. Then she went to her bedroom to get Finnegan because that's where he always seemed to run to when he wasn't on the couch with her. She called his name when she didn't find him on the bed and looked under the bed, closet, and everywhere she could think of.

"I can't find him," she told Daniel as she came out of the bedroom. "It's weird. He's always either on the bed or couch with me."

Daniel shrugged and smiled. "Maybe if I come back later, he'll be out. It's okay." Then with a laugh, he added, "Fin really likes women. I can't blame him."

Cheyenne shrugged. "Typical guy, I guess." She was glad that she couldn't find him, yet all she really wanted was to get Daniel away from her and out of her life for good. Every time he was around, she felt uneasy. "Come back later. Okay?"

He smiled and laughed. "See you later then."

Cheyenne locked the door before she went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. Her stomach began to churn. Daniel was an incredibly odd man. There was something about him.

Something in his eyes seemed much darker than she remembered. His demeanor was pleasant, but his eyes... There was something there and it terrified her. Why would he come over at three twenty-five in the morning just to get his cat? And why did he seem to get upset over her date? It was odd. She turned the cup in her hands. Cheyenne thought about how things kept getting weirder and creepier with him. Something was off. Now she was grateful that Michael had his name. Maybe he would find something out and she would get answers. Everything about Daniel bothered her and nothing made sense. He gave her the jeepers' creepers. Then again, Tyler made her nervous when he unexpectedly showed up at her door and tried to prevent her from closing it.

She finished her hot chocolate and wondered if she would be able to fall asleep again. She still had to find Finnegan, but if he didn't show up, she had the inclination that her sister had taken him for the night. Raina had seemed quite taken with him. But then again, she herself had become quite attached to him. Who wouldn't?

Eyes closed, Cheyenne leaned back in the chair and put her hands on the sides of her head. Why did it seem that when she took one step forward, she wound up having to take three steps back? Her life was starting to shape up and yet things were becoming complicated again. What ever happened to the quiet, simple, drama-free life she had planned after the divorce?

"Such is life, I guess. Another example of unfairness." She sighed with exhaustion. "I guess I'll try going to sleep again. Who knows?"


Cheyenne tossed and turned. After hours of useless attempts to sleep she took a sleeping pill. Daniel, Michael, and everything else whirled within her head in attempt to keep her awake. Hopefully the pills would kick in soon. It was becoming more and more tempting to disconnect her phone. Though she wished there was a shut off button for the door too.

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