Chapter 42

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Cheyenne sat on the floor by the door and fell asleep. She hadn't had very much sleep in the time she had been his captive so it was difficult to stay awake. Upon waking, she rubbed her eyes and searched for the piece of wood. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it lying next to her. Cheyenne's heart raced. Would she be able to go through with it? Her breathing was labored and she was on the verge of a panic attack when a sound grabbed her attention. Click. The lock was being opened. She slowly stood, grabbed the wooden plank, and raised it. With a deep breath, she put herself in a baseball stance and raised it, preparing for her attack. Her heart was beating so loudly she could scarcely hear her own breathing.

The door opened. Daniel entered. She made her move and hit him as hard as her strength would allow. She watched him collapse to the floor. Cheyenne froze. She couldn't move.

Realizing he would catch her, she dropped the plank and started running. Daniel grabbed her by the ankle causing her to fall. She rolled over on her back and struggled with him. She kicked him twice. He let go and grabbed his nose. She ran out the door.

Outside, she stopped to rub her eyes. The sun was so bright it hurt. She was finally able to look at her surroundings and quickly realized where she was. She had been in an abandoned warehouse, downtown. It was near the high level bridge. She knew train tracks were somewhere around the area, but she wasn't going to risk and open area, anyhow. It was a place where there was little traffic and even fewer people around.

"Get back here now!"

Not knowing where to run for safety, she just started running. She didn't care where she went as long as she got as far away from him as possible. As she ran down the sidewalk, she felt the pain in her unhealed ribs and glass slicing the bottoms of her feet. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. Despite the pain, she kept running. She tripped and fell a couple of times, but quickly got up.

She knew she had to get help or find a place to hide. Cheyenne hoped it wouldn't have to be the latter.

She saw the post office. Cheyenne breathed a sigh of relief. She was breathing hard and holding her side. Quickly looking over her shoulder to make sure he hadn't followed her, she proceeded to walk toward the post office building. There was no way she could run any longer. It was too painful. Once inside, she noticed no one at the front desk. She nervously proceeded to the desk anyway.

"H-h-hello? Anyone here?" No answer. "Hello? Someone? Anyone? I need help." Still no answer. She smacked the counter. A sob bubbled in her chest as she turned to leave.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

Cheyenne whirled around. "Please help me! Please! Call the police! He's going to kill me! Please!" The woman standing at the desk pulled back and looked at her skeptically. "Look at me!" Cheyenne shouted. "He has beaten me. He has raped me. He forces me to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag in an old abandoned warehouse. Call the police NOW! Or I'm going to die."

"Hold on one moment, ma'am. I'll be right back." She walked away, leaving Cheyenne alone in the lobby.

Cheyenne stood there with her feet, knees, and elbows aching and bleeding while constantly looking over her shoulder. She hoped he hadn't followed her. She leaned on the counter and prayed to make it out alive.

The postal worker returned, her voice calm as she spoke. "I've called the police for you. They'll be here in a few minutes, Ms. Harrington."

Cheyenne stared at her in disbelief. "How do you know my name?"

The worker slapped a piece of paper on the counter as if irritated for the interruption in her day. "Here's how."

Cheyenne looked at the paper. It had her picture and a five thousand dollar reward. The phone number was her sister's. Raina had been looking for her. Now she had the opportunity to go home. She held the paper close to her heart. Oh Raina. How I miss you. Tears welled up and she weakly smiled at the woman. "Thank you," Cheyenne whispered.

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