Chapter 39

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Cheyenne was moving crates around over the next few days. She picked the sturdier ones, because the last thing she needed was to step on a bad one and fall through and break her leg. It would screw her big time. She tried to make it appear the same as much as she could so it wouldn't raise suspicion with Daniel. He would do everything to prevent her from leaving, even boarding up that window and beating her. Now she was biding her time for the perfect moment to take action. Once she was in better shape, she would make her escape. Her only hope was that there would be no beatings. All she wanted was to go home and see her sister again. God! How she missed Raina. She must be sick with worry.

"Okay Cheyenne, you can do this. Just be a good girl and bide your time. Do what he says and you'll be all right." She paused. "Oh my God!" she muttered. "I really am losing my mind. I'm talking to myself." The sound of the door being unlocked nearly stopped her heart. She ran to the sleeping bag and quickly climbed in, not wanting him to know what she was up to. It was best for him to find her the way he had left her.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up. Wake up. I picked up some lunch for us."

"Huh?" She raised her head and looked at him with one eye. "Lunch? It thought it was still morning."

He glanced at his watch. "Well, sort of. It's eleven-thirty. We can just call it brunch."

"What did you bring this time?"

"I thought some subs from Subway. You get a turkey sub and a bag of Doritos with a bottle of coke. Sound good?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Thank you."

"Do you need help?"

"I think I got it." She was trying to ignore the pain with much difficulty. If she could ignore it, then when the time came she could run. It was the only way.


Later that evening, Daniel brought a pizza and breadsticks for dinner. So far she was keeping him happy, which was increasingly helping her situation. At least for now, she could breathe a sigh of relief. It won't be much longer now.

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