A/n: Remember
Suga- Swag Dad 😎
Jin- Mama J 😜
Jimin- Jamless child ❤️
V- Alien Buddy 👽
JungKook- Kookie 🍪
Rap Monster- Monnie 🤓
J-Hope- Sunshine 🌞
Please don't play song til told
Your POV
It has been three months since we moved into BigHit and I realized my feelings for Jimin. Which have only gotten stronger by the day. We debuted a couple days after moving in. We've made a few other songs and music videos since then and now we are working on our first album. Our manager suggested that maybe we have duet tracks, featuring BTS members. Unfortunately we don't get to pick who and they are assigned. They've already been assigned. I had an idea for the song I was gonna attempt to write for my duet with Jimin.... Yep I got Jimin. I went to a room and found a piano. I began to play a few notes.... Then a new idea and song came to mind. I began to write it down. CeeCee got JungKook that lucky little duck.... I wish I hadn't gotten Jimin. Not that it's bad it's just...... Y'know I like him. TJ for J-Hope, Daisy got Suga. Not sure what songs they're gonna do but I have now two ideas for mine and Jimin's. I was quietly singing the part of the song is sing when a voice startles me. "Whatcha doing Kammie~Unnie?" TJ asked walking in. "Oh.... Just.... Working on my duet with Jimin." I replied. "Are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately. That's a rally pretty song.... Sounds kinda sad though. What's it about?" She asked. I look at her. She nods saying she understands what's wrong. "When did it start?" She asked. "The night we moved in." I whispered trying not to cry. "Oh, (Yn)." She said and hugged me. "It's gonna be okay, okay?" She said. "I-I just don't understand how o-or why this had to happen.... I thought I was fine." I trailed. "He's a very kind soul, he's a lot like you in that sense. That's probably why. Especially with the song he sang to you that day, that I know probably didn't help." She said. I nod my head. "I'm gonna let you get back to work, I have to work on my song with J-Hope." She and walked out of the room. I began to practice singing my part and playing the piano again. "Was so hard to find." I sang quietly then stopped to write it down. "I'd never let it go this time." I continued to write as I went along after about thirty more minuets I had the song, notes, and rhythms written down. I even had the title.TJ's POV (shortish)
I walked back to where J-Hope was. "How was your break?" I asked as I walked into the room we were practicing in. "Good. Yours?" He asked. "Good.... But.... (Yn)...... Is a little......." I trailed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Promise not to tell?" I asked. He nods his head. "She likes Jimin.... As in like likes. She has for months now.... And she doesn't know what to do about it. You do remember what she said a few months ago right? About not being good enough, or pretty enough? She stills believes it even after what Jimin said, apparently him saying that only made it worse so, she's writing a sad love song for their duet." I explained. "Wow... I feel so sorry for her...... What if..... We could get (Yn) and Jimin together." He said. I raised my brow. "I'm listening." I said. Then he explained his idea. I high five him. We just stayed that way for a few seconds then I snapped out of it and pull my hand away blushing.Your POV
It was lunch time, but I wasn't hungry. Correction I haven't been "hungry" for at least a month and a half, maybe more I lost count. Truth is I'm starving, but I don't want to eat. I can't.... Not knowing that Jimin..... Is out flirting with other girls, specifically ARMYs. I went to the room where everyone was eating. No one seemed to notice that I've been losing weight, no one seemed to notice that I haven't been eating. Boy was I wrong cause, Jimin walked in and put pizza in front of me. "Eat." He said simply. "I already d-" I started. "Lier." He said. Everyone in the room was now looking at me. "I ate, Jimin." I said. He turned toward me. "Lies. You haven't been eating for at least a month (Yn), now eat something." He said. I just push the plate away and walk out of the room. Everyone followed me. "Stop following me! I'm fine!" I yelled at them as I turned around. "Why are you starving yourself Kammie Unnie?" TJ asked. "Maybe because I'm stupid enough to--- no reason." I said and walked out. I just need some fresh air. I began to walk around. I walked by an ally and a creepy guy starts to follow me. Oh heck to the no. He tried coming closer. "If you want to stay away from the hospital. Back. Off." I stated glaring at the man. He didn't listen he came closer and tried to grab my rear end. "I warned you." I said as I kicked him in the nuts then in the stomach and ran (That's right I made you boss, anyway back to the story). I went into a coffee shop and ordered a coffee. I went to sit and began to check my phone. It was spammed with messages.
Alien Buddy 👽:
(Yn)~ah please come back we're worried about you.

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
FanfictionThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!