A/n: I understand Noona is an older girl, but even though you're younger than JungKook he'll still call you Noona ok just wanted to make that clear before I get any comments about it. (Correct me if I am wrong)
Madison's POV
JungKook just asked ME to be his girlfriend. ME! "JungKook I...... I would love to!" I said smiling. The stadium erupted with cheers and screams and started chanting. "CherryKook! CherryKook!" He smiled and hugged me. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They chanted. He was too shy, so was I. But I mustered up the courage and kissed his cheek, he blushed red and looked down. Everyone came back onto the stage. "I hope you enjoyed our concert and that little surprise, we will see you later." (Yn) said looked at the rest of us and we all said. "Love you Roses!" We blew them a kiss, waved and walked off stage.Your POV
"That was a MAJOR success wouldn't you say?" I asked. They all nod their heads. "I'd say so." CeeCee replied looking lovingly at JungKook. "Ah so much cheesiness... Such cringe." Suga and I say at the same time. We laugh and high-five. We get into the van and start talking about the concert. After a few minuets we get to the house. "Well, I gotta go to bed.... I've got school in the morning. Jimin and I both." I said and began walking to my room. "Night (Yn)~Noona!" JungKook said. "Night Kookie!" I replied.*time skip*
I wake up and prepare for work. I hope this goes well. I walk to the kitchen. I see Jimin already eating and dressed, and Jin cooking. "Morning (Yn)!" Jin said giving me a smile. "Morning Eomma Jin." I said smiling back. "Pancakes?" He asked I nod my head. I sit at the table with Jimin. "How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Good." He replied. I take notice of his face, baggy and blood shot eyes. "Are you sure, you can stay here I can take care of the class." I said. "(Yn)--" he started. "No, Jimin, it's clear you didn't get enough sleep last night, get some rest I got this." I said and left. I then texted Jin.
You: Make sure he doesn't go anywhere and he gets some rest.Mama J 😜:
I will, just remember you have to tell him at some point.
I didn't respond to Jin's text I just headed to work. I went to the office and explained that Jimin needed to rest and that is be teaching his class, the other members got substitutes, but since I'm Jimin's assistant I double as his sub. I walk into the class and prepare auditions for the duet Jimin and I preformed for the class previously. Students began to walk into the classroom. *ring ring*
"Alright, Jimin needed to rest, so I will be holding the auditions for 'I See The Light', it is a duet so two of you will get a part, but it will be one boy and one girl. Is that clear?" I asked. Then they just started talking and laughing. Then administration and other teachers walk in to evaluate how the teachers are teaching. "Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way." I muttered. "QUIET!" I shouted. They went silent. "I may not be your actual teacher, I may just be a teacher's assistant, but that does not mean you get to treat me with disrespect. You treat me as if I and your teacher. It's very disrespectful to talk and laugh after I've given the plan for the day. Now unless you want to keep your grade, stay in the classroom and out of detention, you are going to show me some respect. Am I clear?" I asked. They muttered. Don't make me go drill Sargent. "Am. I. Clear!" I yelled slightly. "Yes." They responded and the administrators left the room. "Good, now who wants to go first?" I said and went back to being chipper. "I'll go." A girl in the back said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Kitara but my friends call me Kit." She said. "Okay Kit. Who would like to audition for the guy part?" I asked. A guy in the back with glasses raises his hand. "You are?" I asked. "Jackson." He responded. "Alright, come here. I'll play the music the you'll begin." I said. They come towards the front and nodded their heads. I play the music. I went audition after audition. Then it was lunch break, then my last class. "Alright I will have results posted tomorrow. Have a good day." I said as the bell rang. After school I stayed and evaluated what I had heard that day. Kit, was extremely good. Jackson did a somewhat decent job, we'll see. Then my phone buzzes. It was some of my friends from high school.
Heyyyyyy! You did so good at your concert last night! Congratulations on your debut!You:
Awe thx Khloe! I'm glad you support this! I just can't believe I got to work with BTS.Kira (Kitty {that will be her name from now on}):
Congrats! You got to sing with Jimin, so lucky, and the little baby got a girlfriend to! He's growing up too fast!William:
We are so excited for you (Yn)!You:
You guys are so sweet! I would luv to stay and talk but I have to get back to the dorms, Annyeong! ✌🏻️❤️Kitty:
I headed back home. I walked in and found Jin immediately. "Did Jimin rest?" I asked. "Yes, he's sleeping right now." Jin responded. "Where, I want to make sure he's one-hundred percent okay." I said. He showed me to his room. I walked into his room, he was sound asleep. I put my hand to his forehead, then quickly pulled it back. "Oh Jimin." I whispered. "You work yourself too much, you have to take a break every now and then or you're gonna end up killing yourself from exhaustion. Now you're sick, get some rest Jimin." I whispered and kissed his forehead. I walked out of the room.Jimin's POV
I wasn't fully awake when that happened but I was awake enough to see that (Yn) would one day make a great mother. I sit up even though I should rest because (Yn) would want me too. "The guy she is in love with is the luckiest yet dumbest guy in the world. The fact that he can't see how deeply in love with him she is makes him dumb, but that she would care for him no matter what, makes him lucky." I whispered.A/n: WHOO! 3 chapters in one day look at me goooo!!!! Let me know how you guys are enjoying this book! Thx luv u baii!!!!!

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
FanfictionThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!