A/n: sorry if the chapter is a little short
Maddie's POV
I walked in right as (Yn) sliced her wrist with the razor and passed out, that's why I screamed. I immediately grabbed my phone and called 911. "Hello 911 emergencies how--" the lady on the other end started. "Hey, okay my friend cut her wrist with a razor, on purpose, she cut too deep and now she's past out on the floor I need an ambulance asap!" I somewhat yelled into the phone. "Okay, ma'am what's your address?" She asked. "I'm (insert address) please hurry!" I said. "Okay, an ambulance is on their way." She said and hung up. "Alright (Yn), you're gonna be okay. I promise." I said as tears began to stream down my face. The ambulance arrived about five minutes later. I had put pressure to hopefully slow down the bleeding. I get in with (Yn), and they start taking us to the hospital. When we get their I grab her phone. I call her parents, I unblock people I think are important and called the first one I saw.Jimin's POV
I was not entirely positive why I passed out, probably from stress and being sick but whatever caused me to pass out is gone and I'm fine now.
We were sitting on the couches in our 'living room' when I get a call from... "(Yn)?" I asked out loud. I then answer the call. "(Yn)?" I asked. "No it's her friend, Maddie. Listen, something happens to (Yn), I'll explain more later, but you need to get down to the hospital as soon as possible, bring as many people as you see fit, such as closest friends and her singing group. I have blonde hair, and in tears. I'm sure you'll be able to spot me." Maddie said and hung up. "We have to go." I said. "Why?" Jin asked. I look up, a grave expression on my face, along with tears. "What's wrong? Is she okay?" Jin asked. "No.... T-that was (Yn)'s friend..... (Yn)....." I trailed. "Is in the hospital." I finished. Everyone immediately gets up and begins walking to the car. We call the manager and let him know. We get to the hospital and look for the vague description of a girl. I think I spotted her. I walked up to her. "Are you Maddie? (Yn)'s friend?" I asked. She nods her head. "What exactly happened?" I asked. "Sh-she had been e-extremely down s-since she had come over a-and w-when I went to ch-check on her sh-she had a-a razor in h-her hand and s-slices her wrist, sh-she cuts too deep so-so she passed out." She said stuttering. I fall to my knees. "Is she gonna be okay?" I asked and looked up at her. "I-I'm not sure, but I'm praying that she will be." She replied. Then a nurse came out. "Guests to see (Ln) (Yn), please come with me." She said. We followed. "How is she?" I asked. "She's hanging in there, she must have something to fight for." The nurse replied. "Are any of her parents here?" She asked. "No, they are currently out of the country and won't be able to make it for a couple days." Maddie replied. "I can be her guardian figure." Suga said. "Okay, come with me." The nurse said and took him into the room. We stood and waited.Suga's POV
"Okay, so we've examined the cut on her wrist, it was extremely deep, but luckily it wasn't deep enough to cut any vital veins. She will be out for a while not sure how long, she has a ninety-five percent chance of making it. Any reason why she might have done such a thing to herself?" The nurse asked. "No one else but doctors at this hospital will hear this correct?" I asked, she nods her head. "Jimin, the short guy with silver hair, she's in love with him, head over heels in love. She's been struggling with it for months, constantly thinking she's not good enough for him, or anyone for that matter. Yesterday, she ran out because she was trying to help him why he was sick. He went to look for her while still sick, he passed out while doing so and she found him about thirty minutes after he had passed out." I stop and let her take some notes before continuing. "She brings him back, lets him rest. Then she goes to her parents' house to think things over, we find her and drag her back, she then goes to the room to 'sleep'. Then our youngest boy drags Jimin to another room. And tells him that whether Jimin could see it or not Jimin himself was in love with (Yn). Jimin then comes out and rants on about how he only sees (Yn) as his best friend.... (Yn) who we thought was resting heard all of this once again ran away. She blocks all of us so we can't find her, then you know the rest." I said then finally glanced over at (Yn)'s pale and practically lifeless body. Please be okay, (Yn). Jimin will lose his mind without you, I promise. I then look back at the nurse. "Okay, thank you. You may each visit and talk to her, preferably one at a time." She said and left the room. I go and sit by (Yn)'s bed. "Hey Swag Daughter. You can't be doing this to yourself, Jimin would die without you and I know it. You cannot die, for the sake of everyone, we've already let ARMYs and Roses know they are sending so much support along with a trending hashtag, #PrayFor(Yn). It's really sweet." I said. Then I took out my phone and took a picture of me with (Yn) in the background. Then posted it on Twitter with the hashtag previously mentioned. "Please be okay, you've got many things to fight for, so fight." I said and let the next person go in. They all took pictures and posted with the hashtag, the only person who hasn't gone yet was Jimin. He didn't want to, he didn't want to see what she looked like. "Jimin, you have to, she's..... Your best friend." V said. Jimin took a shaky breath and walked inside.Jimin's POV
I wanted to break down again when I saw her lying there. "Oh my gosh.... (Yn) why..... Is this guy really worth all this? Was this his fault? Is that why you're currently in this state? I know I ask a lot of questions, I just really wish you'd give me some answers. You're my best friend, I hate seeing you like this. Everyone is praying and hoping you'll be okay. Your parents will be here to see you in a couple days." I said. Then did what everyone else did and took a picture and posted it with the hashtag. "You're my best friend, please be okay, I love you best friend." I said. I kissed her on the forehead and we went home. Please.... Please.... Wake up soon.

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
أدب الهواةThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!