A/n: short ----------------- Your POV (short) It was officially Halloween, we were going to do appeal versions of one of our choreographed songs. PR, as group decided we'd dress up as BTS members. I had the things I needed for my costume. Ty had hers, so did Daisy, and CeeCee. I was being Jimin. Ty was being J-Hope, obviously. Daisy was being Jin. CeeCee was of course JungKook. We actually talked with Khloe, Tori, and Hannah. They said they'd dress up as members too, to complete the group. They knew the dance too, so they would also dance with us in the video. Then once that was completed we'd have a party.
Jimin's POV (short) Halloween was today, we were going to dress up as a girl group, and then some. I was being Kammelia aka (Yn). J-Hope was gonna be Ty aka Lily, his girlfriend. JungKook was also going to be his girlfriend, CeeCee aka Madison. Jin was going to be Daisy. Then we ran out of their members. The others figured out what they were gonna do. We did an appeal version. We were all done getting ready we walk out just as the girls walk out, let me just say.... We were shook.
Your POV We walk out at the same time the boys do. We start laughing. "Wow." Jimin said. I nod my head, we were dressed like they were in their Baepsae dance practice video. "Woah." I stated. They had our Numb music video outfits. (the outfits you wore first in the concert chapters). We had actually planned this somewhat. We just didn't say which outfits. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon had dressed how they thought that Hannah, Tori, and Khloe would dress if they were part of the group.
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Girls: Daisy- Jin outfit
Tori- Rap Monster outfit
You- Jimin outfit
Khloe- Suga outfit
Ty- J-Hope outfit
Hannah- V outfit
CeeCee- JungKook outfit
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Jimin- Your Outfit:
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Jin- Daisy's outfit:
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JungKook- CeeCee's outfit:
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J-Hope- Ty's outfit:
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Suga- (assumed) Khloe's outfit:
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Taehyung- (assumed) Hannah's outfit:
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Rap Monster- (assumed) Tori's outfit:
That's how we looked. We took a picture and posted it onto Twitter. Then we recorded the video. We explained at the beginning who the other three were. After we were done, the boys went. Then it was time for the party. "You look good as me." Jimin said and stood next to me. I was just standing in a door way watching everyone have fun. I wasn't much of a party person. "Thanks, you make a pretty good Kamelia." I said back, causing us both to laugh. "Your blue hair looks pretty." I said, then blushed after I realized what I had just said. "Really now." He said and looked at me smirking causing me to blush more. "Yah! Babo, stobi it!" I said. Jin and JungKook turn their heads toward me. We all smirk. "Oh dear..." Jimin trailed. "S-T-O-P.... I-T!" We yelled then began laughing as Jimin put his fingers in the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Aish..... You three...." Jimin said and walked away. I high-fived JungKook and Jin. JungKook then grabbed my arm and dragged me away from everyone else, after Jin walked away. "I know you still have feelings for him (Yn)~Noona." JungKook said after everyone was out of ear shot. "W-what? What are you talking about I--" I started. "Noona, yes you do. It's obvious. Why won't you tell him? Yoongi~Hyung would tell you the same thing." He explained. "I know but I can't.... He just.... Won't ever feel the same." I muttered. "But Noona--" He started. "I don't have time for this Kookie. I don't have the energy either, I'm sorry. Goodnight. Tell the others I went to bed." I said and went to my room to sleep. I had started eating slightly the last few weeks, not much. If I over do it I'd throw up. "Jimin...... I wish you'd love me..... But I hope you find someone who will make you happy..... Even if it will never be me." I whispered to myself. I let a tear slip out of my eye, the closed my eyes to sleep.