Court Date

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A/n: I have no idea how these type of things work so I apologize and please bear with me. Short.
Your POV
They all arrived. As soon as I saw them I ran to them, and cried. I hugged them, every single one of them. Jimin for the longest. "I missed you guys so much. I'm so sorry, about these last few months I-" I started. "It's okay. We understand, you wanted to keep your best friend safe." Jin said. I smiled. Yeah.... Best friend...... Right. "Alright, so we'll get you back to the house in saying at.... We'll have a couple of days to relax before the court date." I said and we headed back to my temporary house. "You'll come back home when this is over right?" Jimin asks. "It all depends how this court date goes." I said. "If they find him guilty, yes I'll go back.... If not...." I trailed. "If not?" He asks. "I'll have a big target on my back." I said and walked faster passing Jimin.

*time skip*

Today was the court date, this will be fantastic won't it? "You ready?" Suga asked. "As I'll ever be." I whispered and we walk into the court room. We all stand as the judge walks in. "You may be seated. What is the case?" She asks. The case is explained. "Domestic abuse? Who is the defendant?" She asks. "The defendant is Johnathan Harris, the now ex-boyfriend." The defendant lawyer said. "Prosecutor?" She asks. "(Ln) (Yn)." My lawyer says.  "Let the case begin." The judge said. "Defendant call your witness." She said. They called a witness and questioned them. I don't even know this person. Which means he's a friend of Johnny's. Great. "He always did come back..... Angrier..... So maybe........ I-it might be something he'd do, I've only know him for a year or two." The guy said. They stopped questioning the guy, now it was our turn. "Care to question the witness?" The judge asked. "Yes." My lawyer said standing up. He asked the guy a few questions before backing down and letting their witness sit. "Do you have a witness?" The judge asked us. My lawyer looked at me. I whisper in his ear. "Khloe." I whisper. "Khloe." He said aloud. Khloe went up, took the oath then sat down. "Did (Yn) feel tense while dating Johnathan?" He asked. "The first few weeks I knew them, they were fine..... But after a while she began to seem tense, and jumpy. So one day Yoongi, my friend, and I pulled her into a room to ask her what was wrong..... I-I notices something u-under her shirt.... I..." She trailed tears forming in her eyes, mine as well. "There......... There was a large.......... Purple bruise on her stomach."  Khloe was finally able to finish. "Anything strange happen after?" My lawyer continued to question. "She and Johnathan ran away to America, where the abuse continued." Khloe said. "Why did they run to America?" He asked. "Because she said that Johnathan told her that he's hurt Jimin, her guy best friend." Khloe said. "No further questions your honor." My lawyer said and sat down. The defendant stood up to question her. "So he caused her no harm at the beginning of their relationship, correct?" He questioned. "Correct." She stated. "If he really abused her why would she run away with him to America?" He asked. "Like I said, he threatened to hurt her best friend. She would do anything to protect her friends, including running away from them and enduring...... The pain of an abusive relationship." Khloe said. The defendant lawyer stopped questioning her and went to sit down.  This went one for another hour, it was almost to a close. "Call up one more witness." The judge said to my lawyer. "I call up (Ln) (Yn)." He said. I stoop up, took the oath and sat down. "How long were you dating?" He asked me. "Eight months." I said. "When did it start to get abusive?" He asked. "After about two months." I said thinking back to when it started. "Why do you think the abuse started?" He asked. "I felt to be in a relationship I had to be honest, so I told him about feelings that I had had for Jimin, my best friend...... After that it started to go down hill." I stated. "You were in the hospital recently, why is that?" He questioned.  "He... Beat me with a bat because I didn't have dinner done in time". I said. "May we see some evidence?" He asked. I nod my head and pull out my hospital file, and give it to him. He takes it and shows it to the judge. "No further questions." My lawyer said and sat down. "Cross-questioning?" The judge asked. "N-no your honor." He said. I went back to sit. "We will take a brief recess for the jury to look over the evidence and notes, and to make their decision." The judge said and they left. I stayed seated and waited for them to comeback. After thirty minutes everyone comes back. We all stand to and wait for the reveal. "The jury has decided..." The judge trailed.

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