Your POV
Johnathan and I have been living....... In America. Not comfortably, not peacefully. He still beats me. I've been singing Fools for months now. It only makes me think of Jimin more. Knowing I was fool for falling for someone is never get. I think he knows I still have feelings for Jimin, that's probably why he beats me. He's taken away my phone. I can't contact anyone. Not my friends, no one. Not even my parents. I barely eat anymore. I just don't have the appetite, not that Johnny-boy cares. I... I miss Korea..... I want to go home. "Honey, I'm home!" Johnathan yelled. "Hello." I say. "Speak louder woman!" He yells as he graves my hair and throws me into the ground. "I need to go let off some steam, you better have dinner when I get back, or it will be the worst beating you'll ever get." He said. "B-but I can't cook." I said. He grabs my hair and makes me stand. "You have three hours to figure out how, then don't you?" He said and pushes me against the wall. Then he walks out to drink some more. This is all for Jimin. For Jimin, to keep him safe. I get up and use the computer to look up something simple, yet something that wouldn't earn me a beating from Johnathan. "Pizza? Seems easy enough. I'll try." I said and began getting ingredients ready. After about thirty minutes I had all the ingredients. I followed the instructions. I had thirty minutes until he came back. "CRAP!" I shouted and began to panic. "I forgot to turn on the oven. I'll never get it cooked in time." I whispered. No no no. "Where's dinner!" He yelled as he walked in. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I forgot to--" I was cut off by him slapping me. "Good thing I brought a friend for this." He said. I look up and he has a baseball bat. "Please... No...." I whispered in tears. Then I blacked out.Johnathan's POV (short)
I know it's not smart to abuse someone then bring them to the hospital, but it's no fun if she dies. Seriously, my punching is no fun if she dies. I've forgotten why I started doing this, oh well.Doctor's POV
"Help! Help!" I hear a voice yell as I'm getting papers checked. "What is it sir?" One of our nurses asked. "It's my girlfriend, I came back from work to find her passed out in the kitchen." The man said panicking. No tears? That's odd, if he was a true loving boyfriend I think he's care a little more. "I'll take a look at her." I said. "Oh, thank you so much." He said smiling. We head to a room, and I check her vitals. I notice a bump on her head. "Okay, sir you need to leave the room." I said, he reluctantly leaves. "Miss? Are you awake?" I ask.Your POV
"... Are you awake?" A voice asks. I hear beeping. I open my eyes and slowly sit up, but wince and cry out in pain as I did so. "Miss, what exactly happened?" The man, I'm assuming was the doctor helping me asked. "Umm......" I trailed and looked away. "You seem to have bumped your head pretty hard. I'm going to check a few other things, but I need you to be a sleep okay?" He asks, I nod my head. Then he puts something into my water bag, and I start to fall asleep.Doctor's POV
I cut through her sleeves and see other bruises. I cut the shirt area where the stomach is, big bruises and quite a few small ones. On her cheek is a red.... Hand mark. I call a nurse into her room, and tell her to dial an abuse investigator. She nods her head and does so. After a few minutes one walks in. "Hello, I'm Ms. Gellar, the D.A.I. (Domestic Abuse Investigator (I have no idea if that's a real thing so just roll with it thx))." She said. "I'm Dr. Johnson, I believe this patient has been suffering abuse." I say and gesture to the many bruises. "It appears so, I will question...." She trails unsure who she's questioning first. "The boyfriend, he should be in the waiting room." I said and she walks out. After about thirty minutes she comes back in. "What did he say?" I asked. "He said that he's never do anything like that, and that he loves her to bits." She replied. "She's about to wake up, so I'll leave you two to talk." I said and left the room.Your POV
I woke again, but this time there was a lady in the room. "Hello, I'm Ms. Gellar. And you're Ms. (Ln)?" She asks I nod my head. "I am a D.A.I., you know what that is correct?" She asks I again nod my head. "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" She asks. "H-he won't hear me r-right?" I ask nervously. "No. Is there a reason that if he hears you, you're scared?" She asks. I nod my head violently. "Why is that?" She asks. I explain everything from when the abuse started, tears streaming down my face. "Alright, well there seems to be plenty of evidence to support what you've said." She said I smiled slightly. "You're gonna be okay now, I'm gonna contact the police. I'll be right back okay. I'll inform the doctor, no one in but him, and no one out but him." She said and left the room. After a few minutes, the doctor, the investigator, the police officers and Johnathan glaring daggers at me enter the room. "We will have a court date in a few weeks, fly in whoever. Are you able to--" one of the officers restraining Johnny started. "No, he took away her phone she has no contact with anyone." Ms. Gellar said. "We will retrieve your phone." The officer said. I nod my head and they all leave. Will I finally be able to get away from him?Suga's POV
I had to tell them at this point. Jimin was in pieces, he wasn't going to last much longer. "Guys." I call out. Everyone comes to where I am. I pay the seat next to me and Khloe sits down. "There's something about (Yn), that Khloe and I found out a few months ago. Don't hate us for not telling you, we didn't want anything bad to happen." I said. "What is it Yoongi?" Rap Monster asked. "Johnathan has been...... Been..... A-abusing her." Khloe said tears forming in her eyes. Jimin's eyes are filled with rage, and sadness. "How long?" He asked trying to contain it as much as possible. "We're not sure." I said. "Two months at least." Khloe said. "Two? Months? Why? Why would she allow herself to--" Jimin started. "Because Johnathan said he'd hurt you Jimin. So she did what she could to keep that from happening.... No matter what." I said. "That's why she went back to America without telling anyone?" Jin asked. I nod my head. We sit in silence until my phone rings. "Suga? Suga, are you there?" The voice asks. "(Yn)? Is that really you we haven't heard from you in months. Are you okay?" I asked. "Kinda, listen I need you, all of BTS, all of PR, my mom, my dad, and Khloe to fly to America. Don't worry you all will be paid for." She explained. "Wait why?" I asked. "I'm having a court date." She said. "Court date? For what?" I asked. "To get Johnathan arrested." She said. "He got caught?" I asked. "He took it too far with a baseball bat, and was stupid enough to take me to the hospital. I'll explain everything later just get here as fast as you can, the court date is next month." She said and hung up. "Who was that? Court date? What's happening?" JungKook asked. "Pack your bags, we have to support (Yn) in getting Johnathan arrested." I said standing up. We've got your back (Yn).

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
FanfictionThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!