A/n: italics are thoughts, sometimes I forget to italicizes thoughts but if it's italicized it's a thought.
Also, in every story in this series you will always be shorter, and two years younger than the member you are to fall in love with, in the stories that is NOT the JungKook X reader he will call you Noona sometimes.
Your POV
Please take of yourself until I find you, and even after I find you I don't like seeing you suffer. I couldn't get what Jimin texted me out of my head. Apparently I was thinking too much that I didn't realize I was almost to the room we eat in, that I ran into the door. "Ow." I stated rubbing my nose. Then of course Jimin opens the door chuckling. "Are-are you okay?" He asked. I nod my head blushing. He chuckles again and wraps his arm around my shoulders which only makes me blush more. We walk in and there's pizza on the table. I was starving. I ran to the table and grabbed two slices of pizza, I had to take it slow or I might throw up. "If you don't mind me asking, who is the guy you're in love with?" Jimin asked and I almost choked on my pizza. "U-ummm..... I'd rather not say..." I trailed then my phone buzzed.
Swag Dad 😎:
Who is it?You:
Um...Swag Dad 😎:
Is it someone I know? Or the band knows? Someone in the band maybe?You:
If I tell you, promise not to tell anyone else? Please? As your swag daughter?Swag Dad 😎:
It's Jimin.
He looks up at me and mouths 'seriously? Was he your bias?' I nod my head trying not to cry. He nods his head and puts his phone away. Jimin then looks at me. I quickly put my phone away. "(Yn)? Are you okay?" Jimin asked. I smiled and nodded my head. He then whispered to me. "We're going to talk about this later okay?" I nod my head slowly. After a few minuets everyone had finished eating. Jimin grabbed my wrist and pulled me into another room away from everyone else. "Who is the guy, (Yn)? Tell me." Jimin said. I looked down trying not to cry. You. "I-I can't tell you...." I said slowly breaking down into tears. "Why not? Tell me. Why can't you tell me?" He asked. "Because it's too painful Jimin. I-it hurts too much to know he could never.... Love me back....... Ever." I said. I yanked my wrist out of his hand and walked away in tears. I walk back to the others. J-Hope, TJ, and Suga come to me and take me into another room. "J-Hope?" I asked still crying. "I may or may not have told him.... Sorry Kammie~Unnie." TJ said. I just nod my head. "What did he talk to you about?" Suga asked. "He kept asking me to tell him who I was in love with, b-but I couldn't....... A-and then he asked why I couldn't tell him...... I just said it was too-too painful knowing he-he could never love me back.... Ever." I said. "Why don't you think he could love you back?" J-Hope asked. "Because...... He's a Pop star, he's absolutely flawless.... And then there's me... There are millions of other girls he could have.... He can't-- won't chose his teacher's assistant. "(Yn) you know he's not like that. Why don't you be--" TJ started. "How can I?! When he's constantly flirting with other girls, he was just my bias.... Then I moved in." I said. "I'm gonna go for a walk. One of you can come with me. Suga?" I asked. He nods his head and gets up. He slings his arm around my shoulder and walk out.Jimin's POV
I walk back to the rest of the group. I noticed that Lily, J-Hope, Suga, and (Yn) here. I asked and they said they went to help (Yn). Then J-Hope and Lily walk in. "Where is Suga and (Yn)?" Jin asked. "She went for a walk with Suga, he's gonna help her calm down about the guy." TJ said. "I'm gonna kill him." I mumbled. "Why?" V asked. "Because he's causing (Yn) so much pain.... I hate it." I said and growled. "I really want to know who (Yn)~Noona likes. Maybe we could get them together." JungKook said. I furrowed my brows. "No. He clearly isn't worthy of her if he cause her this much pain." I said. J-Hope mumbled something but I didn't quite catch it. Then someone's phone buzzes. JungKook pulls out his phone. He gasps and looks at J-Hope. "Seriously?" JungKook asked. TJ nods her head. They know. "Who does she like?" I asked. Everyone stayed silent. I groaned and left to go to my room and think.

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
FanfictionThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!