Your POV
It had been a few days since the Halloween party. JungKook knows me too well. Aish.... Okay. Here we go. I get up. When I open my door Jimin is standing there. "Jimin? Wh--" I started. "How would you like to be my assistant again?" He asked. "They're willing to hire me? Even after all the times I've left?" I asked shocked. "We briefly explained your situation, and they understand. So they're willing to give you tore job back, if you want it that is." Jimin said. I smiled. "I would love too!" I shouted as I jump hugged him. I blushed and dropped down almost immediately after. ".... Sorry..." I muttered and looked down. "It's fine. I thought it was cute." He said the second sentence right by my ear in a whisper causing me to blush more. "Anyway, see you at work!" He said and walked away leaving me stunned. "U-umm." Was my only response long after he had walked away. I went to eat breakfast still quite shook. "(Yn)? You okay?" Jin asked as I walked in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jimin smirking. "Jimin... What did you do to the poor girl." Jin said and looked at Jimin. "Wha-- I didn't do anything. Why do you always assume things." Jimin said trying to act innocent. "You're the only person that causes this girl to blush that red." Jin stated then turned to me. "What did he do this time?" Jin asked me. "He told me about getting my job back. Out of excitement I jump hugged him... I dropped down immediately embarrassed. I apologize. Then he says it's alright......... He walks right up to my ear after that and whispered "I thought it was cute"." I said. Jin then looks at Jimin who is rubbing the back of his neck. "You didn't do anything...... Right." Jin said. "Sit we have work to get to soon." Jin said. I nod my head and begin to eat.*time skip*
Our last class before lunch was about to end. Fall break would be soon, I couldn't wait. The bell rang and the students leave. "How is your first day back, so far? Jimin asked. "Same as it was the last time. Anybody miss me?" I asked. "That one kid from the first day you were here. He said you were the only reason he was still in school." Jimin said, clearly angry about that students statement. "My my my.... Do I sense a jealous Chim Chim?" I asked teasing him. "Yah! Stop.... Come lets go to the teacher's lounge." Jimin said embarrassed. "Chim Chim is jealous, Chim Chim is Jealous." I chanted like a kid. He eventually stopped walking and walked toward me until I was up against a wall, then he leaned his head close and went to my ear once again. "Whether or not I was/am jealous is not something you will know, either way.... It's not respectful for a man way younger than you think of you in such a way he's not allowed. Only one person should be able to think of you like that... You know who that is?" He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. "N-no." I stuttered. "Me." He whispered and walked away. I stood there blushing red. Then finally started following behind him. Before I walk into the teacher's lounge I try to relax and act as if nothing happened. I walk in and smile. "How does it feel to be back Noona?" JungKook asked. I smiled. "Fantastic, Kookie." I stated. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jimin looking at me with regret. I glance at him. With my eyes I ask 'you okay?'. He shakes his head slightly. 'Why?' I mouth. 'I'll tell you later' he mouths back. "Any flirty students today?" J-Hope asked. I shake my head. We talked for a while. "I'm gonna head back to the choir room." Jimin said and glances at me. I'll take that as my cue. "I'll come with you." I said. He smiled, glad that I understood. We walk out. "I'm sorry about before... I just...... I don't like hearing guys, especially student guys talk about you like that." Jimin said as we walked. "It's fine, I was just shocked when you.... Y'know." I stated. "Yeah... Again I'm sorry... I guess.... It's--" he started. "Is it about..... The girl?" I asked trying not to cry. "Yeah.... She's just.... She's so kind and.... I just wish I could tell her how I feel." He said. "Why can't you?" I asked and looked away slightly. "Because I can see in her eyes every time I see her.... There's already someone who occupies that part of her heart, and I know I don't stand a chance. If this guy is smart... He will see it, and do something about it." Jimin explained. "You love her... Don't you?" I asked. "I do. I really do." He said, I could feel my heart shatter. "What about you? Any guy?" He asked. I nod my head. "It hurts... Doesn't it?" I ask as we walk into the choir room. "What hurts?" He asked. "Knowing the one you love is in love someone else, but because you love them you pretend to be okay with it because you want to see them happy more than anything?" I asked. He nods his head. "What's her name?" I asked. He stayed silent. I was about to say something more when the bell rang. After that we didn't talk the rest of the day. We are close yet..... We're not. Who ever that girl is, is the stupidest girl ever if she can't see he loves her.
Jimin's POV
They guy she loves now, is so lucky to have a girl like her love him... Yet so stupid not to see it. Aish, babo.

Teacher's Assistant (Jimin X Reader)
FanfictionThe Jimin version and first book in the 'Teacher's Assistant' series. Hope you enjoy!