Chapter 3

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"One Week after the takeover, Scourge is standing atop the remains of another New York city"


Sanctum: What is it this time Scourge?

Scourge: This has been TOO easy, you wanna know what happened to me this morning?

Sanctum: Not really

Scourge: Well shut up, Because I'm telling you anyway 


Civilians: Fiend We shall Stop your reign of terror now

Scourge: Oh yeah and how are you gonna do that?

Civilian 1: With my Oxikinesis 

Scourge: Isn't that a cleaning spray?

Civilian 1: What?! No its the power to manipulate Oxygen 

Scourge: Ok I'll bite tell me what your power's are

Civilian 2: I have Quiekinesis, allowing me to become silent

Civilian 3: And I have Ruscikinesis, allowing me to control Brooms

Civilian 4: And finally I have TriboKinesis, the power to control friction

Scourge:... are, are you serious? those are lame so unbelievably lame

Civilian 2: Lets see how lame they are when we end you (2 uses their power and hides behind a rock) 

Civilian 3: Take this (3 Creates Brooms and launches them at Scourge)

Civilian 4: Just try and escape this (4 creates foot holds in the air and makes the place scourge was standing at slippery)

Civilian 1: And Finally lets see how well you do without being able to breath (1 Removes all Oxygen from Scourges location)

Scourge: (Runs at 1 but slips onto the ground, see's the brooms coming and attempts to dodge but can't, after getting hit by the brooms he lands into a wall but not noticing it before it was to late 2 comes out of no where holding a knife to scourges neck, Scourge still can't breath and is getting light headed)

Civilian 1: Any last words?

Scourge: (Being unable to speak Scourge pulls the finger he then goes Super Blasting a hole in 2, then 1) *GASP* finally able to breath and talk again

Civilian 3: You killed them?!

Scourge: Yeah and your next (3 launches a barrage of brooms but Scourge destroys them all he then Shoots 3) Ha too easy

Civilian 4: YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT (Using foot holds in the air the come at Scourge ready to kill However Scourge simply blasted their head Clean off)

Scourge: Man and after all that big talk too, And I wasn't even using half my power what a let down

"Back to Present"

Sanctum: Couldn't even bother to remember their names?

Scourge: Actually I killed them before the thought crossed my mind

Sanctum: Okay, So what are you saying?

Scourge: IT IS TO EASY, how many planets have we conquered so far

Sanctum: This would be number 137

Scourge: SEE, Must of destroyed the statue of liberty over a hundred different ways, Except that one nudist world

Sanctum: Yeah the world was weird no one wore anything, A world of only nudists 

Scourge: Yeah that was a lot of fun killing them, But back to my point everything's been TOO easy I've fought thousands of Kinetic Ability users by now most of them were weird and weak

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