Chapter 15

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"Aboard the Death Egg 3.0, Stacy saw Nanoid fly away after they realized they don't have to listen to Eggman"

Stacy: Uh wow (Stacy stood back up still stunned but shook it off in time she then began running to Power Room)

Robot: Cease and Desist, Any attempt to resist is futile, Failure to follow orders will lead to- (Stacy punched the robot, Smashing it in two)

Stacy: Okay I can't take the direct way since Nanoid blew a hole in the floor, So I will have to take a detour (Stacy said as another battalion of robots appeared) This is gonna take me awhile

"In the control room, Eggman was knocked down from the sudden tremors"


Orbot: I'm not sure Sir Eggman, But one quick scan of the facility will allow us to ascertain the cause of the temor

Cubot: Yeah and if we look through the cameras we will know why the place was shaking

Orbot: I got it (Orbot said as he pulled his flash drive finger out of the jack) Oh dear, Eggman you may not want to know about this

Eggman: Just shut up and tell me you waste of parts

Orbot: It would appear Nanoid has gone Rouge

Eggman: WHAT!!! (Eggman quickly ran over to his microphone) This is Eggman, All units be on the search of Nanoid and if you find them alert the Triple Threat Immediately)

Cubot: Boss what is Nanoid gonna do? 

Eggman: I don't know, I just don't know (Eggman said as he looked through the window) I wish to conquer the Multiverse, However Nanoid is completely Unpredictable, They may be planning to Erase Everything, Or do nothing at all

"Back at the Palace The group of hero's just witnessed Nanoid repair their arm in a matter of seconds"

Vector: Okay so your a robot, No problem for such a small fry (Nanoid they created a fist twice Vector size and punched him sending him backwards)

Nanoid: Who's the small fry now? (Nanoid said as they begun to grin) Well who else want's to play with me?

Julie-Su: GET AWAY (Julie-Su begun shooting at Nanoid turning them into a fried pile) So much for all that Big talk 

Espio: Wait look (Espio pointed to the pile as it begun to rise up again and from it came Nanoid perfectly fine)

Nanoid: A little quick to the trigger aren't we doll face (Nanoid said as they begun stretching acting like nothing big happened) So who want's to die?

Charmy: Uh before we start fighting, Can you answer a question I've got

Nanoid: Sure little fella 

Charmy: How did you do that?, The repairing your arm and coming back to life thing

Nanoid: Oh thats really simple, See I may appear to be one being, But in reality I am billions of Sentient Nanobots, I am capable to copy powers of others, Restore any wound Instantly, Reshape my body into pretty much anything I want, And I can adapt to anything, Be it a blazing fire, Frozen Ice caps, or even underwater

Knuckles: Okay that cleared up a couple questions I had now lets get fighting (Knuckles ran right up to Nanoid and Begun punch and kicking, This time Nanoid dodged each attack) FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN

Nanoid: If fighting like a man is what your doing then I will remain fighting like this

Knuckles: Don't underestimate me (Knuckles the pulled some of the Chaos energy out from within his body and fired it all Nanoid destroying his upper half) *Pant* Is that *Pant* It? *Pant* I was *Pant* Expecting more after all that big talk (Knuckles got on his knees still panting, Nanoid's lower half got back up and quickly restored the upper half in a matter of seconds)

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