Chapter 7

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"With Eggman at the Death Egg 3.0"

Eggman: This Is Splendid, We have finally found our Sonic, and We have found a way to surpass super (Eggman continues to gloat to himself as the three hedgehogs talk in the back) 

Steel: And that is why I will never eat bananas on Tuesdays 

Sanctum: But wait you said Saturday was the day after you got your phobia, Then that would mean it wasn't Tuesday it was Friday

Steel: Oh yeah, I guess i'm not afraid of anything

Scourge: Well I don't really care about fears what I care about is finding Sonic and his pals and- (Steel shoved his hand above Scourges mouth and then held a finger in the center of his mouth)

Steel: Quiet I don't want the children to get potty mouths (Sanctum and Scourge stared at Steel) 

Scourge: Why are you bringing them along anyway?

Sanctum: Yeah your just as big of a villain as we are

Steel: Look I grew up in an orphanage, In a world consumed by fire, By a colossal immortal monster named Iblis, I don't want these orphans to go through the same pain I did, Everyday I wondered if it would be my last, I was bullied by the other kids and even some adults cause of my powers, I just don't want the cycle of hate to continue (Steel sighed as he looked at the Orphans)

Scourge: Didn't you hate them at first?

Steel: That was before they told me they were orphans like me

Sanctum: Well I am beginning to wonder if you really are evil steel (Sanctum suddenly felt a heavy force pull him down and bowing to an angry steel)

Steel: Shut up before I kill you

Eggman: AHEM (Steel let go of Sanctum and all three looked at eggman) Good now then as you are aware we are currently heading to a location where we just picked up a massive power surge

Steel: Yes we do recall Doc

Eggman: Well after much research, I can say this is without a doubt Divine Energy (All three looked surprised at his statement)

Steel: Doc isn't that impossible

Eggman: We live in a world full of magical rocks two tailed fox and spiky echidna and you are asking if gods are real?

Steel: Whatever Doc just tell us if this will help or hinder us

Eggman: oh it will indeed help us with this Divine Power we could do a lot more damage in a hour than all we have done in the last eight days combined

Scourge: Okay but won't this be too easy?, You are just as bored as we are eggman

Eggman: Ah but the difference is that instead of fighting weak Mobian's and Overland/Humans we shall be facing against Real deity's, Plus we also located sonic and his friends so we can assume they have been training to defeat us ever since they ran away

Scourge: oh this is getting good

"Back at Paradise Sonic and His friends are discussing what they came across"

Nixon: Now then as I was saying before Ember is permitted to aid you mortals you must prove yourselves worthy by winning the competition It shall be 1 Vs 1 match first team to get two wins is the victor the losing team will have to Obey the winning teams demands

Vector: I still can't believe that Kid is a God (Vector whispers to Espio)

Nixon: What was that?!

Espio: Yeah and he is also All knowing (Espio glared at vector)

Crocus: It's really simple Nixon will use his Sol powers to create a terrain at random selection we will then send to fighters to duke it out if one of the opponents die that will count as a win, but shall result in penalty for next round, And no need to worry Nixon here will revive you the moment you die, For your team it shall consist of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, we shall decide our fighters before the round Starts, There is no time limit, Any outside Aid will result immediate lost

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