Chapter 8

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"At the Jungle, Sonic the hedgehog has been fighting, Terry the Chameleon, Now sonic seems to of figured out Terry's Power, Hopefully its not too late"

Terry: Very good, Very good indeed, Yes I can control Perspective,  My power is called Cognikinesis, I can Change the world in my Image, Its nice that you finally figured it out, However as you are now it will be impossible for you to beat me 

Sonic: Actually I have already thought of multiple ways to beat you, But the one I find most fun is turning your own Power against you (Sonic then dash's right at Terry)

Terry: Oh yeah, One thing you should know, One of the applications of this power is Truth manipulation, For example, The floor is Lave (Suddenly the ground around the opens up and out spews Molten Lava) See any lie I say becomes Truth

Sonic: Okay then but you sure you don't wanna fix this?

Terry: Yes I am sure

Sonic: Even with a Lava Geyser spewing underneath you

Terry: There is a Lava geyser spewing Beneath me? (And just like sonic said geyser of Lava spews right beneath his feet) How did you know that was gonna happen?

Sonic: Dunno maybe You had a lucky guess

Terry: Well my luck just ran out (Terry just noticed the slip of a lip and gets hit by a rock slide) Okay that was clever, BUT NOT CLEVER ENOUGH, I can bend the world into MY Image there is no way for you to win

Sonic: Oh So you can Picture the entire world Into whatever you want?

Terry: well yes, yes I can as long as I can picture it in my mind It becomes real

Sonic: WOW!! something like that is so cool it must not have any flaws

Terry: Aw thank you but my power does have a weakness like if I Picture to many things in my mind at the same time it could shut my power down all together, Or if I lose focus then I won't be able to use them at all (Terry was blushing from the compliment, but soon realized the deception) DAMMIT NOT AGAIN

Sonic: Good to know (Sonic grins and runs around Terry to fast for Terry to see him)

Terry: You think your cleaver, Look at your tiny form, there is no way for you to win against me

Sonic: Yeah There is no way for me to beat you especially with how small you are 

Terry: That's right I am Smaller (Again Terry fell for another trick, And he was suddenly half Sonic's height) Okay I can fix this all I gotta do is

Sonic: Eat as many chill dogs as we can?

Terry: What?! NO!

Sonic: Go Ice skating?

Terry: NO! SHUT UP

Sonic: Hula dancing, robot fighting, monkey taming, 

Terry: Shut up, I CAN'T CONCENTRATE (Suddenly Terry realized his mistake but before that he could fix it he got distracted by the glowing lava) Oh pretty

Sonic: Well its time to end this (And tiny sonic unleashes a flurry of punches, and kicks, headbutts, He grabs Terry and throws him to the ground and lay's his foot on top of a now unconscious Terry) Too easy, Should of sent someone smarter, and less cocky

"Sonic, and Terry are beamed right back to Paradise"

Ember: See beloved do you not see how powerful your friends are I never lost faith in your friend and I shall never stop loving you

Crocus: Wow, I have seen people use Terry's power against him before but never like that

Nixon: Ugh, One point for the Mortals whoopee (Nixon said Sarcastically)

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