Chapter 12

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"At the now chocolate landscape, Silver just defeated his darker half, However he is now facing Crocus"

Crocus: I must admit boy, You have improved quite a lot after defeating Venice (Crocus then made the chocolate surrounding Silver rise and Encompass him) But your still leagues behind me

Silver: SAYS YOU! (Silver then created a massive drill and bore a hole straight through it) I refuse to lose, If I do then The Triple threat would of Won and I AM NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN! (Silver coated his body with his Psychokinesis)

Crocus: Impressive however (Crocus sank into the chocolate ground, Then ground began to shake and from where Crocus sank to appeared a massive robot 10 times Silvers size, made from chocolate) You will never be able to touch me in this

Silver: We shall see about that (Silver creates a Sword twice the size of the robot and brought it down on top of Crocus, The robot took the hit but obtained minimal damage, the crack quickly fixed itself) Wow that robot is tougher than it looks

Crocus: Indeed it may be made from chocolate but I made its density harder than any material you can imagine (The Coco robot then dropped its hand to the ground then rose it back up this time with a sword) Face it Boy your out of your league, I am the personal guard to the Princess so I shall not let you take her

Silver: Have you ever Stop to think what SHE wants? 

Crocus: It matters not what she WANTS I know what she NEEDS (The coco robot swung the sword at Silver, Silver just barely managed to survive the attack but he was back on the ground again)

Silver: Uh oh (The ground grew arms and attempted to grab onto Silver, Silver created a buzz saw and cut them off him) PHEW that was close

Crocus: Always keep an eye on your surroundings (The coco robot ran straight at Silver and kicked Silver square in the chest) Other wise you will make mistakes

Silver: Ugh, that really hurt (Silver was on the ground and the Chocolate arms appeared again this time however Silver didn't have the energy to escape, the Arms grabbed him an pulled him deep underground)

Crocus: Pathetic I guess I shall wait for him to suffocate and die (Crocus just sat there awaiting for Silvers inevitable demise)

"Back at Paradise, Rouge and Omega and carrying Shadow away from the battle' Nixon was captured and Is being used to supercharge the robots' Sonic fell down a deep hole while Amy and Tails are trying to find him' Cream and her mother are being held up in the Library with some children and Dr. Bugs' Vector, Charmy, Espio, Julie-Su, Knuckles, Blaze, and Ember are in the middle of a battle against countless Robots as Scourge and Sanctum just watch"

Knuckles: Dammit there is no end to them (Knuckles punched through another robot adding it to the pile)

Julie-Su: We can't keep this up forever, In mere moments we will be completely surrounded (Julie-Su then shot a blast right through a robot)

Vector: As much as I hate to agree with you I think your right Julie-Su, We simply don't have the numbers to fight them off (Vector then roared knocking some of the close robots over)

Espio: My ninja weapons are no good against these mechanical monstrosity's, If I knew where their weak points were that would be another story (Espio kept stabbing one robot but it kept going)

Sanctum: 3 inches below where your heart would be that is where their main power source is (Sanctum pointed out the robots weakness, Espio did as he said and it worked)

Charmy: Why are you helping us?

Scourge: Because twerp as long as your alive Sonic and Shadow have a reason to come and fight us

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