Chapter 23

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"Deep in space a perfect spiraling vortex of nothing is slowly increasing in size, eight entities are battling a one sided battle, While deep inside the growing white void a golden godly figure is changing the continuation"

Nixon: Okay this is... a little more difficult than I originally believed, but I can't let them down, I may not be able to stop this but I can change it, I can change destiny (Nixon then plunged his golden arms into white pool making tiny ripples, Nixon then connected his Divine energy with the Continuation linking his mind and the continuations) Damn this is giving me such a headache, Okay a little more and, OW (Nixon was hit with a powerful bolt) Okay this is getting annoying

"Above Nixon The Triple S, Triple Threat, and Ember are fighting Perfect Nazo, their attacks are futile, and any plans they come up with quickly come down, Perfect Nazo is constantly attacking them, and from his attacks the continuation is growing more and more, becoming increasingly difficult for Nixon to change it"

Super Sonic: I got you this time (Super Sonic ran right at Perfect Nazo, but Nazo disappeared and reappeared behind him, Perfect Nazo grabbed the back of Super Sonic's head and slammed it into the ground)

Super Silver: Ohhhh thats gonna leave a mark, you okay? 

Super Sonic: What do you think?, never mind just help me get this guy, throw me at him as hard as you can

Super Silver: Okay then (Super Silver lifted Super Sonic up, he then started spinning around faster and faster, he then threw Sonic as hard as he could, Super Sonic spin dashed towards Perfect Nazo, Perfect Nazo stopped him with one arm then threw Sonic back at Silver)

Super Scourge: Well that went well didn't it? 

Super Sonic: Shut up and help me up already

Super Sanctum: Well your a barrel a laughs aren't cha? 

Super Shadow: While you idiots stop bickering and help me?! (Super Shadow then teleported in front of Perfect Nazo, Shadow tried throwing a punch but Perfect Nazo caught both arms, then spun him around and let him go, Shadow then crashed into Steel and Sanctum) 

Super Steel: Get off me already

Super Sanctum: Huh, well this sucks

Super Shadow: Agreed this guy is making a fool outta us

Super Sanctum: I got an idea, why don't we rush him from all sides?

Super Sonic: Well we got nothing else (All six surround Perfect Nazo, Silver and Steel throw psychokinetic fists from the back, Shadow and Sanctum fire Chaos bolts from the side, and Sonic and Scourge spin dashed him from the front, time seemed to slow down for Perfect Nazo, he moves Silvers fist in front of Scourge, he moves the spinning Sonic in front of Sanctum, he grabs Shadows bolt and points it at Steel, he then moves Steels fist towards Shadow, he moves Scourge towards Silver, and pushes Sanctums bolt directly at Sonic, time speeds back up and everything happens all at once, Shadow and Scourge got punched in the gut, Steel and Sonic got blasted in the chest, and Silver and Sanctum got spin dashed to the ground, Perfect Nazo is standing in the center)

Super Steel: This is getting annoying

Super Sanctum: I don't see you coming up with a plan!

Super Steel: What do you expect this guy literally went up against the God among gods 

Super Sonic: Well since your supposed to be Silvers opposite you should be smarter

Super Silver: What the heck Sonic

Super Shadow: Shut up Silver

Super Steel: Hey don't insult my opposite self it makes me look bad too

Super Scourge: You don't need help looking bad

Super Steel: Oh its ON!, BRING IT SNOT

Super Scourge: Oh its brought SNOWFLAKE 

Super Sanctum: GUYS!

All: WHAT!!!

Super Sanctum: Look (Sanctum points to Perfect Nazo, however Perfect Nazo seemed to be having trouble keeping up with Ember, He threw a light speed punch, but Ember blocked it and kicked him in the side, Nazo the fired multiple energy beams, but Ember created a wall of cosmic fire stopping the attack, the attacks broke through her wall of flame and knocked Ember back towards the others, all six were starring at her)

Ember: What?

Super Sonic: How are you able to keep up with him and not me?

Ember: I'm not, just predicting what he was gonna do

Super Steel: Ohhh, care to explain how?

Ember: I used divine energy to give me enhanced senses, and allow me to know my opponents next move before they even think of doing it

Super Sanctum: Divine energy can do that?

Ember: Of course it can, I know about this cause I spent the last hundred millennium's imprisoned I had plenty of time to master it, It's given many names Enhanced Senses, Future Sight, sometimes Kia, but it all has the same result, it allows us to process danger faster and react quicker

Super Sanctum: Dang that sounds like it will take forever for us to master

Ember: I'm sorry to say but this power is far to advanced no mortal will ever- (Super Sonic and Super Scourge spin dashed towards Perfect Nazo, Perfect Nazo throws a punch at both of them however they evade his attack and strike him, the two begun to start punching him in sync constantly punch and pushing Nazo back, they then punched him at the same time in the center of his chest, Nazo is sent back heading right for Super Sanctum and Super Shadow, they charge their Chaos spears and strike Nazo in unison they then created a mixed beam and launched Nazo into the sky, Super Steel and Super Silver catch Nazo, Steel creates a giant bat and Silver throws Nazo at the bat, Steel hits Nazo and launches him hundreds of yards back, Nazo skidded across the ground for a good twelve miles until he finally stopped himself his wounds already healing)

Perfect Nazo: I must admit *huff* you all improved significantly *huff* just from learning one little thing about divine energy *huff* but no matter because I have already healed, do you not see the frivolous of your attempts to defeat me, you may now be able to predict my moves but in time I will have surpassed all of you once again

Super Steel: Your right Nazo defeating you in our super form is impossible, So I guess we will have to go Hyper (The others were shocked at what Steel said) 

Super Sanctum: Um Steel buddy, hate to say it but we can't go hyper, We need artificial divine energy to go Hyper, and the others are using their divine energy just to maintain Super we ain't got enough juice, unless... you got some juice on you!, is it grape flavored? 

Super Steel: No Sanctum I don't have juice, but I do have a plan

Super Shadow: Which is?

Super Steel: Ember how much power do you have left?


Sorry this took so long to release, I was stumped on what to do, and I'm still trying to figure out the ending, so hang in there for me k?, anyway thank you all so much for over two hundred reads and like always stay awesome 

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