Chapter 10

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"At the battle field, Shadow killed Edgar, But somehow with the power of the red string Edgar's body is still in combat"

Shadow: Okay this is REALLY getting annoying (Shadow Dodged another volley of attacks from the moving corpse) 

Edgar: HAHAHA by now you must of realized about my marionette ability, Just like I did with those skeletons earlier only this time using the red string my corpse is more durable (The sound came from the red string like a Pre recorded message)

Shadow: Ugh this guy is annoying even from beyond the grave (The corpse makes another attack at Shadow, Shadow blocked the attack with his arm getting a few scratches in the process) Dammit I gotta end this soon (Shadow grabs an ax off the ground and throws it at the corpse, The Red string  moved the corpse out of the way in time lifting it in the air) A-Are you serious?, Ugh this is gonna be harder than I thought

"At Paradise, Everyone is telling Nixon to end the battle"

Julie-Su: COME ON, The guy is dead so shouldn't the match end?

Nixon: Normally yes, however seeing as how Edgar is still fighting shadow I shall allow the fight to continue until either side is incapable

Ember: Okay it may seem a little unfair, However Edgar had to leave recorded commands in the red string so that must mean once the red sting as followed all commands, then it shall stop functioning

Vector: Uh huh, What if the command was to fight until Shadow could not fight anymore?  

Ember: Oh dear

Sonic: Come on Shads, You got this

Omega: I am back from the armory what did I miss?

Rouge: Shadow is fighting a Zombie cat with sting powers in an alternate universe

Omega: I see, I shall go back to the mechanic my logic chip must be malfunctioning

Silver: Okay so how can shadow win?

Crocus: Simple, Either completely destroy the corpse, Or fully extract the red sting from the corpse

Blaze: I hope shadow is okay

Espio: I do not believe that Shadow is alright, He did lose his arm after all

Knuckles: I am sure Shadow can handle it, Besides Nixon said he would reset everything right?

Nixon: Indeed, After the battle, all wounds you have obtained shall be fully healed, any illness you have contracted will be extracted, and should anyone die the shall be resurrected with memory loss, Don't wanna ruin anyone's thoughts on the afterlife

"Back to the fight, Shadow has been fighting the corpse but he can't seem to land a hit"  

Shadow: Dammit, Where is a weak spot on this thing? (Shadow examines the corpse then noticed the red string) AHA, I will just pull this out (Shadow jumps behind the corpse the grabs the red string with his only arm) COME ON YOU BASTARD COME OUT ALREADY (Shadow attempts to pull the red sting, Not noticing a couple of stings formed together to shape like a sword) Huh?, Oh shit (Shadow gets a major cut on his back) *GASP* I WILL *PANTS* NOT FALL TO *GASP* A DEAD BODY!!! (Shadow attempts to destroy the corpse with a chaos blast but he is stopped in mid air, held up by tiny stings, When shadow tried to break them he noticed that these string were made from steel) God dammit just my luck (The corpse surrounds it arm in thread the throws a punch knocking Shadow to the ground) Okay I'm starting to think I bit off more than I can chew, However I refuse to let that blue moron get ahead of me (Shadow continues to fight, He throws punch after punch, kick after kick, and blast after blast, But the corpse is still not done) I-I am only getting started (Shadow was wobbly from blood loss, And falls to the ground on his back) I can still fight (Shadow creates a Chaos spear and throws it at the corpse, A shield made of sting appears and blocks the attack) Oh come on

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