Chapter 6

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"At Paradise the group of hero's split up protecting different sides of the castle on the East is Knuckles, Julie-Su, and Tails"

Knuckles: AH YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME (Knuckles knocked another row of royal guards away but another group took their place immediately)

Julie-Su: There is no end to them, no matter how many we take down there are always more (Julie-Su shoot her laser gun straight at a royal guard knocking him out)

Tails: We can't keep this side of the castle protected forever (Tails narrowly dodges a volley of arrows)

Knuckles: I hope everyone else is doing better than us (Knuckles had to hide behind a column to avoid getting blasted)

"At the East side the chaotix are barely holding out"

Vector: I hope we get big bucks after this, Whoa?! (Vector was chomping on a royal guard when another royal guard hit him with a battering ram)

Espio: (Appears unnoticed behind the enemy and takes a couple down silently) Wow these guys are tough, I don't think we can last for another hour (Espio fleas back to the castle after getting spotted)

Charmy: Enough yapping we gotta hold our ground (Charmy grabs a rifle and starts firing, While Espio and Vector stare at him) What?

Vector: I think you have had a little to much violence for one day

Charmy: WHAT?! but Cream gets to fight

Espio: Only cause she is with Omega, and Rouge (Espio said as he was preparing another sneak attack)

Charmy: Just a little long please (Charmy uses puppy dog eyes)

Vector: Fine but only cause we need the extra help, But please don't go trigger happy on us again it scares me

Charmy: Okay (Charmy starts firing again)

"On the south side Cream, Omega, and Rouge are holding the line"

Rouge: Ugh, HEY YOU RUINED MY FAVORITE DRESS (Rouge begins firing at the pour sap that took the shot)

Cream: Sorry mister I didn't mean to shoot you between the legs (Cream apologies for each direct hit she gets, and strangely she seems to be always getting a hit with each shot)

Rouge: Wow Cream your good with a gun where did you learn to fire?

Cream: This is actually my first time using a weapon Miss Rouge, Besides I'm now where near as good as Mister robot (Cream points to Omega)

Omega: NO DON'T FLEA THAT TAKES THE FUN OUT OF THE FIGHT (Omega was scaring away so most of the Royal Guards from his side)

Rouge: How you holding up Omega?

Omega: I'm running low on ammo, The enemy is countless in numbers, and we are losing ground fast, I have never had so much fun before (Omega fires a rocket into the enemy lines

Rouge: Good for you Omega

"And Finally at the north side Theo, Blaze, and Amy are holding the line with little problems"

Theo: Wow the Royal guard have really let themselves go of the past 100K years (Theo Creates a wall with Sol energy protecting him from an oncoming attack, He then Fires a chaos spear sending most of the Royal Guard's)

Amy: Really? they seem tough to me (Amy used her hammer like a bat and knocked a rocket back at the enemies)

Theo: Trust me when I say the old Royal Guard were much stronger, I should know I trained them (Theo then levitates a huge boulder and rolls it like a bowling ball)

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