Chapter 18

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"At the castle everyone is walking inside after they realized Theo is dead"

Rouge: We can't mourn him forever, We gotta go help Silver, Blaze and Ember, Who knows what Steel could be doing to them (The others nod and follow rouge to the battle grounds)

Vector: Hang on do you guys hear that? (Vector started hearing a loud noise, the others heard it as well, they look up to see a grey streak fly right past them  coming from the beach, at speeds greater than even Sonic)

Knuckles: What was that?! 

Julie-Su: I don't know but definitely not good (They all look up at the grey steak, It was flying straight at the Death egg 3.0, The entire time the death egg has just been floating in place with its air ships circling it  not doing anything, The grey streak then rammed right through multiple barriers and into the death egg)

Charmy: Whoa that's impressive 

Espio: We have no time for this, Amy you tails, and Knuckles, and Julie-Su go check that out, While Me, Charmy and Vector will stay and protect the civilians, Rouge you and Omega go help silvers team, Ready?, GO! (Everyone agreed to this and they split up)

Knuckles: Hopefully were not in over our heads 

Amy: Relax Knuckles, Sonic will be able to take anything eggman has to throw at us

Tails: Yeah you should worry what Shadow will do once we win this battle (All four then raced off to the Death egg, Smoke was coming out the side while hundred's of repair bots came out and fixed it)

"Aboard the death egg, Eggman is knocked over by the sudden shaking"

Eggman: WHAT WAS THAT WHAT HIT US?! (Eggman said as he got back up into his chair while his service droids began searching through the security cameras, Until Orbot's optics widened and looked up at Eggman)

Orbot: Not what sir, Who 

Eggman: What do you mean?

Orbot: I mean-

Cubot: NANOID IS ALIVE (Cubot begun circling around the room, Eggman was utterly shocked he soon shock it off)

Eggman: First things first, Go to the power room and stop that girl, We mustn't let her release him (Eggman took his egg mobile and hovered towards the power room, Since the egg mobile could hover he could get past the hole in the ground, He reached it in a matter of minutes) Well well well look who we have here (Eggman said as he saw Stacy just made it to the power room)

Stacy: No I came to far to be stopped now (Stacy attempted to attack eggman but a barrier protected him,Eggman then blasted her slamming her against the metal door to the power room)

Eggman: Ah this is fun lets do that again (Eggman continued to blast the little girl towards the door) AH HA HA, Prepare to join your family orphan girl

Stacy: No (A tear broke free from Stacy's eye as a memory went by in her mind)

"Flash back"

Mom: Stacy stay in the closet until your father and I have dealt with these robbers (Stacy's mother said as she closed the closet door, the shingles allowed her to see a little of what was happening, Her father was beating the crook to the ground, Her father had the upper hand until the crook started playing dirty and pulled out a hidden knife and stabbed his leg, The man then kicked her father off him and shot him through the head, He mother then ran towards the criminal in an attempt to disarm him, She grabbed hold of the hand with the gun attempting to wrangle it from his grasp, The crook slapped her across the face then shot her several times through the chest with a grin on his face, Stacy stepped out of the closet to confront the murder)

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