Chapter 9

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Shadow and everyone else has finished their dinner and have returned to the throne room along with creams mother who just got out of the medical bay"

Nixon: Alright now it is Shadow the hedgehog Vs Edgar the saber tooth tiger, You will fight until your opponent submits, or is unconscious, Killing your opponent will result in a penalty for the next round, The terrain shall be random as to not give either side a advantage, Any outside aid will bring immediate lose, Tell me when your ready 

Edgar: I am ready at any time (Edgar was standing tall, his tan fur complimented his yellow cloak, he had a short sword at his side, his left eye was blue while the right was yellow, his scariest feature was his teeth at the tips of both his fangs was blood, His very presence demanded fear)

Shadow: As am I (Shadow and Edgar were beamed to Greek ruins, marble Pillars were scattered everywhere, the ground was littered with bones and weapons of long dead hero's, there were statues of gods all around)

Edgar: Before we begin, let me tell you I am not Green like Terry

Shadow: Well duh your fur is Tan

Edgar: Not like that you simpleton, I mean I am no novice, Nixon sent in Terry because of his incredible powers, But like you saw in his fight Terry is a moron, He falls for even the simplest of tricks, If I had his powers I may of actually Held up against Nixon when we fought before

Shadow: You fought Nixon?

Edgar: Indeed, Some 2K years ago, It was a humiliating defeat, At first I had him under my control, But Nixon soon broke free from my grasp and utterly beat me, My arms were bent backwards, my spine was pulled out, and both my feet were literally shoved up my ass, Nixon left me in Prison since, But now I finally have a chance for revenge, I have learned many new tricks with my powers like, Oh I don't know, Manipulate corpses (Edgar raised his arms and with them so did the skeletons holding their weapons pointing at Shadow)

Shadow: Is that all? (Shadow blasted the corpses away with a swat of his arm, and lunged right at Edgar tackling them to the ground)

Edgar: No not really (Edgar then encased himself in a cocoon like shell, Shadow kicks the shell but notices he didn't leave a scratch)

Shadow: Perhaps this will be harder than I previously thought (Shadow then unleashes a fury of attacks, creating a hole in the shell)

Edgar: Impressive (Thin lines started to rap around the hole fixing it instantly)

Shadow: I see so your power is to control Threads?

Edgar: Correct the name of it is Filukinesis and as your prize for figuring it out so quickly, I shall tell you a secret, Have you ever heard of the Red String of fate?

Shadow: I don't believe I have

Edgar: Well, It is seen as a sign of undying love, It may stretch or tangle, But it can never break, Its an Invisible force binding two souls together, It took time, effort and many lives but I have finally unlocked its power (A single red string forms around Edgar) 

Shadow: Is that all?, Just one is all you can summon, How pitiful 

Edgar: Oh this single string shall prove most bothersome (The red string flies straight at Shadow, Tangling around him keeping all of his joints locked in place)

Shadow: You think a single string is enough, I don't care if this string is magical, I WILL break it (Shadow uses all of his might but the string doesn't even show any Strain) Okay looks like I have to get serious (Shadow Removes his limiter rings and uses every ounce of strength but just like before not even a sign of strain) Impossible 

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