what lingers within

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Traces of you remain
No matter how many times
I insist I moved on.

In my darkest hours
Your poison creeps in,
Injecting your vile ways
Into my purest of thoughts.

But I was a fool
For thinking I could ever
Completely desert you;
For you have always been
A part of me.

You are the poison in my veins,
The darkest of my thoughts;
And while I once believed I killed you,
It seems you have yet to rot.

An incurable disease,
You latch onto my back,
Draining all my rationality
Like the most parasitic leech.

You wage a war in my mind
With all I know to be true.
The very moment I am self-assured,
You whisper in the most melancholic tune,
"Don't kid yourself, darling;
No one could ever love you."

Though normally retained,
In my moments of vulnerability,
You temporarily break free of your chains;
Jumping at any opportunity
To drain the vitality from my veins.

You are something
I will forever bear;
Whether I like it or not.
You are something
I will forever live with;
A curse I never sought.

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